thanks for the reply. i get what you're saying but at the same time, if these 'views' are strictly anti-pc and can be hurtful to other people, is it really so bad that he should try and change them. of course if by 'views' you mean i ask him to change everything about himself, even stuff that is literally his opinions that don't hurt other people (like thoughts on movies, tv shows, music etc.), that would be a problem but i don't do that because that isn't an issue to anyone. i do think i am a bit harsh on him and i am going to try to be more respectful and understanding but if the trust doesn't come back i don't think i can carry on with him as a friend. as for the religion, im gonna leave it vague cus privacy lol.
Not everyone needs to have "PC" opinions, that would be disturbing. If he's Christian, he literally can't on some issues. Current society is way off about many things.