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Age Assumptions?

I'm 13 but everyone thinks my extremely tall younger sister and I are 12-14 year old twins (it drives me crazy) when we're seen together. When it's just me, people think that I'm about 15. Idk why, I'm only 5'4",
When I was younger everybody thought my 2 years younger brother and I were twins. He was a little smaller than me, he's becoming 15 this month and is larger than I am.
The reasons why you look older could be:
- your behavour
- you wearing makeup
- the way you dress
- or a combination of them three

And there are a lot of small people out there ;)
The legal drinking age in the UK is 18. I believe it's 21 in the US; correct me if I'm wrong though.
A couple of people in the past week told me they had thought I was 19, or a teenager This always surprises me because I am starting to develop wrinkles.
all the time. i've always been tall and i've never been id'd at a bar or buying alcohol and when i was little santa always thought i was older.
I couldn't really think of where to put this so thought here would be the best place.

Do people ever think you are older than you really are? For me it has more to do with not talking/being taller than most so people assume I'm mid-twenties/early-thirties,the only thing that has me puzzled is that I have no idea if this is just something that happens to me or others?If it does happen to you, what do you think causes it?

Age recognition and definition to me exist on many different levels. I know that my physical age is a lot younger than my real age. However my intellectual age, hihi, is definitely much higher than my real age.

Somehow that can really benefit me I think.
Last I knew Canada was 18 for drinking. I don't drink and always used to wonder why every class wanted to go to Toronto for their senior trip.

People always thought I was older. When I was 16 people thought I was 20. My daughter's mom was my age and she used to get carded at the casino but I've almost never been. My recent ex was 5 years older than me but everybody thought I was older. I've always acted older though, never got into partying, was always responsible and self sufficient and just existed quietly.

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