Even if you avoid "the system," you would do well to connect with the latter in order to better manage your own autism and that of your child.
I am an Aspie parent of Aspie, autie & NT children. Most parenting strategies are for NT parents of NT children. (They are certainly valid but not always effective.) We need parenting mentors who speak Aspie. And we need to understand what is the most effective approach to take with our Aspie & autie children.
*Also, if you make it out to those events, you might find your elusive friend...
Our county-based services are miserable at handling ASDs. Resources like Affiliate Network - Autism Society are better at staging informative events* and connecting to competent providers.Yeah, I don't look forward to dealing with the system. That's a big deterrent for me in seeking a diagnosis.
Even if you avoid "the system," you would do well to connect with the latter in order to better manage your own autism and that of your child.
I am an Aspie parent of Aspie, autie & NT children. Most parenting strategies are for NT parents of NT children. (They are certainly valid but not always effective.) We need parenting mentors who speak Aspie. And we need to understand what is the most effective approach to take with our Aspie & autie children.
*Also, if you make it out to those events, you might find your elusive friend...
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