Women don’t want to date me. I get few matches and when I do they don’t really seem interested in me. I don’t even get why they matched me.
I was pretty terrible at dating for a long time. The thing that really turned it all around was that I acknowledged that I really liked myself. I also came up with rules to not waste my time.
Gary's rule of immediacy: If nothing happens initially, nothing ever will happen.
First off, what is considered "something happening"? From the first time you meet a woman, by the end of that encounter you must either have her phone number (and this means phone number, NOT e-mail, facebook profile friends, or anything else in those lines) or have kissed (a real kiss, not on the cheek). If neither of those two things happens after the first encounter, move on. This one simple rule has helped tremendously, and only has a few exceptions.
Exception 1: If the female is the pursuer, then something can still happen. She has to actively be pursuing you, reaching out to you, trying to meet up with you.
Exception 2: The reconnection. You met, nothing happened initially, you moved on. A long time passes (minimum 6 months) and you randomly see each other again. This can potentially reset the clock and put the rule of immediacy back into effect. Note that on this second random meeting after a lapse of time, something must happen at the end of that encounter.
Exception 3: Validation. Nothing happened, you moved on, and you hook up with another woman that likes you. If that relationship ends, the first woman may suddenly see you in a different light.
These are the only three exceptions I know of. The thing is, when you move on, stop wasting your time, and don't seek a second date, third date, etc. without getting anything in return, you inadvertently end up valuing yourself more. With these rules in place you are no longer giving off a desperate vibe. You are respecting yourself and your time. You grow in confidence, and this will eventually lead to attracting women. No more desperation. Respect yourself, respect your time, and don't desperately pursue a woman that is clearly not interested. Follow my rule of immediacy and you will be rewarded.