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am i burnout, lazy, or depressed?


autistic kidcore grandpa
V.I.P Member
i’ve lost all motivation to do anything, my hobbies i used to enjoy no longer bring me joy. i’ve mostly been rotting on my couch the past few days. i’ll go on social media or here but get bored/overwhelmed with it all and exit. ive noticed i dont get hungry anymore either, ill eat breakfast when my stomach is yelling at me but then that’s it. sometimes ill overindulge with candy when im not clearly hungry, like i did the other day. its either i dont eat at all or i scour the pantry.

i guess i can’t really tell what’s wrong with me?

i feel like im just falling apart. normally at times like this id turn to my mom or boyfriend but i have no reason to feel like this. i recently got a job and i have a roof over my head.

does anyone else feel like this? i can’t tell if im just being lazy or if im experiencing autistic burnout or im falling into depression again?

any advice helps, i know this is heavy to grasp so if you don’t feel like giving your opinion at least it felt like a good vent to type it all out. thanks for listening :)
My guess would be.... if your baseline feeling is sad, or it's been lasting a long time with no change, maybe it's depression. If the baseline feeling is exhaustion, particularly if it's just happened reasonably suddenly, then burnout. I wouldn't go for lazy, because that's more "My place is a tip and I don't care, I'm happy doing nothing."

You say you recently got a job - could that have anything to do with it? Even if it's a nice job that you enjoy, just dealing with all the new stuff and new people could be exhausting (and if it's a job you enjoy and/or are glad to have, it may be more difficult to make the connection between that and burnout).

I'm dealing with a bit of it myself at the moment. January was pretty stressful for various reasons (not all bad), and I'm in a state of I don't even want to text you let alone talk to you. I can't deal with one more person right now. And if you ask me to do anything, however small, I think I'll cry. (And this is not good when part of your job is to be nice to people...) But weirdly, I sort of didn't connect my disinclination to communicate with people I actually quite like to the stress for quite a while.
This sounds a lot like an episode of depression. Are you on any medication for depression already or is this a new or unmedicated issue?
i’ve lost all motivation to do anything, my hobbies i used to enjoy no longer bring me joy. i’ve mostly been rotting on my couch the past few days. i’ll go on social media or here but get bored/overwhelmed with it all and exit. ive noticed i dont get hungry anymore either, ill eat breakfast when my stomach is yelling at me but then that’s it. sometimes ill overindulge with candy when im not clearly hungry, like i did the other day. its either i dont eat at all or i scour the pantry.

i guess i can’t really tell what’s wrong with me?

i feel like im just falling apart. normally at times like this id turn to my mom or boyfriend but i have no reason to feel like this. i recently got a job and i have a roof over my head.

does anyone else feel like this? i can’t tell if im just being lazy or if im experiencing autistic burnout or im falling into depression again?

any advice helps, i know this is heavy to grasp so if you don’t feel like giving your opinion at least it felt like a good vent to type it all out. thanks for listening :)
Do you feel sadness & cry too?
Or is it moreso no motivation, no interest?
If you don’t feel sad, I’m betting it’s burnout.

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