Agree. I too, would describe myself as a spiritual person in the way my moral foundations are, the way I go about life, how I respect all forms of life, the Earth, and our place in the universe. On the other hand, I would never be part of any form of "organized religion", go to a house of worship, or be a "follower" of any kind of group.
Part of it being that I really get "creeped out" by church,...tried it with my wife and kids, just "weirds me out". My brain just does not understand nor can comprehend the worship of an invisible entity. I don't get the "group think and behavior" of people within a house of worship, brain just cannot process it. I've had people try to explain it to me, eyes just glaze over,...don't get it. I understand that most of so-called Western morals and even laws are often based upon a Judeo-Christian belief system,...but I also understand that certain individuals can use scripture to legitimize some horrible things. I am not anti-religion, wife, her family, our children are involved within the church,...many of my patients in the hospital have regular visits from the hospital chaplain,...I respect it. I will bow my head while someone says grace before a meal,...out of respect for them,...but I am not, personally, going to be a follower.
For a while, I was open to the idea that maybe, perhaps, there was some "higher power",...whatever that is,...but as I have gotten older, more life experience, more education, just doesn't fit my model of the universe.