I think your advice makes perfect sense. I, too, would avoid anyone who is overgroomed and trying to look as beautiful/sexy as possible in her photo. Basically anyone who is posing and/or trying to make herself look or seem really fantastic. Such people (men, too) tend to be shallow, boring, and stuck up to varying degrees.
Gonna stick with what I was saying earlier.
Someone who is posing in a photo clearly must be stuck up or whatever because.....? There is no actual logical answer there. Just a bunch of nonsensical assumptions supported by bloody nothing.
Not to mention that you cant even know the CONTEXT of the photos. Someone is all dressed up, right... ever think they might be at an event? Or they're at home about to go to one and their SO says "hey lemme take a picture before we leave" or something (who knows how many times I've seen family members do THAT one). And that maybe they are using the picture because, you know... it's freaking there? Hell, I've DONE that. "This isnt a normal photo of me, it's a convention photo, but.... eh screw it, I'm supposed to put a photo here and this is a photo and who cares, so here we go". Done that, with that very reasoning. Has less than less than nothing to do with being "shallow". Heck, for all you know, the reasoning for being in such-and-such "overgroomed" outfit could be "LOL let's roll some dice and see what loopy outfit I use today". You dont know. Or maybe someone is all dressed up simply because they enjoy it, or maybe it's even a hobby of theirs or related to a career. Heck, my mom works in a place that's all about teaching hair stylists, right? The place has no other purpose. OF COURSE her hair is going to be freaking immaculate in any photo of her. It's not a matter of "oh she's shallow/stuck-up, she's showing off like that with all that effort in her hair". Instead it's a matter of "she does the hair stuff all the bloody time and is exposed to it from 9-5 every day. To her it's not even a big deal, it just is what it is". Again, you dont know that until you get to know the person.
To be totally honest and very blunt here.... this sort of attitude being displayed here is, in and of itself, VERY shallow. It could pretty much be shown as a definition of the term. Someone looking at things as you're suggesting is not only seeing ONLY the surface (while being hyper-nearsighted), but that someone is also assuming that there ISNT anything under that surface. Like looking at the deepest spot in the ocean and going "yeah, I bet I could wade through there just fine" simply because your vision doesnt penetrate it very far. That's not exactly a deep way of thinking there.
In other words... anyone finding themselves looking at others this way might wanna check their own views and behavior, before making assumptions about others. Because the shallowness might not be where they think it is.
And in case anyone asks why I'm getting vehement about this: Because I deal with this alot in person. People either avoid me because they think I look weird, or they take offense to my lack of "masculinity" and think I must be some sort of total wuss (or just use that as an excuse to hate me overall), or they think I'm a freaking kid. They make all of these assumptions before I even say a single word (and then later on, people will wonder why I dont want to waste time with conversation). They dont know a blasted thing about me, yet because of my APPEARANCE, they believe that they do. Ridiculous. And I tell ya, it gets old. And that's what you're doing to people, when you look at them with that attitude. Whether it's on a bloody dating site or not is irrelevant.