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Amazing Things Happen: Positive autism video


Something nerdy this way comes
V.I.P Member
This video is making the rounds at schools, service agencies, and presentations. It's helpful toward bridging the gap, and increasing both understanding and appreciation of autism. :)

Yes! Nice to have something showing what it can be like without a neurotypical sensory filter.
The part about struggling and the thing is not to get cross....

Isn't that fundamental?

Just at the point when we are struggling the most any witness lays into us and perhaps doesnt understnad....

That either being cross,anger or 'trying to help' at that point is the same. All add negatively to the process.

Doing nothing,being patient till its over is best.

I cant handle anger or anyone being nice at those points.... less input,this is a shutdown...
Bumping-up discussion-thread after seven and a half years.

Glad this short-film went viral at the time!

Any further (longer) feature film based-on 'Amazing Things Can Happen!'? Such a film might just go viral in 2025.

P.S. Decades before High-Functioning Autism (HFA) became recognized, I remember the teachers in middle-school who felt I had novel ways of viewing the world!


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