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Amused by simple things?

I don't attach any serious meaning to spaz. It could be Yiddish for all l know. It doesn't reference any particular group on planet earth so l feel safe in using it. Unless there are a separate spaz group of people that l don't know about.

It actually has a meaning. It's a derogatory term for someone with spastic cerebral palsy, and is therefore ableist.

Edit: Sorry, I just saw that two other posters basically said the same thing.
It actually has a meaning. It's a derogatory term for someone with spastic cerebral palsy, and is therefore ableist.

Edit: Sorry, I just saw that two other posters basically said the same thing.

Thank you for educating me. l am sorry l didn't know that. And my apologies if l offended anyone. Reminded once again l can be an idiot.
I'm easily amused and distracted by things. Some people find it annoying, which is also annoying because I think someone being easily amused is harmless and nothing to get upset over. lol
I was as a child. In today's society, with the proliferation of social media etc, I'm not so much anymore. I seem to have lost that ability.

As a child I was somewhat notorious for it. I clearly remember one incident where my mother put me in time out for some infraction, and when "time out" was over I refused to leave the "time out" corner because I had become so engrossed in tracing shapes in the wooden paneling that I sat there for a long time afterwards.
Kittens are little, and I just watched a video of a very energetic kitten pouncing and playing with all of her toys.:smilecat: But I think a lot of people like that.
Yes. Little mental games I think, distractions perhaps. One I have done occasionally all my life is look at things with one eye only, and then the other only and still be amazed at the shift in view. :D
One thing I enjoy is to put on polarized sunglasses and then turn my head sideways back and forth and watch how everything changes.

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