Breaking a task down into smaller steps is not 'intellectual', hyperspecifically it is the 'linear' or straightforward approach to learn something. Linear by definition is progressing from one stage to another in a single series of steps. (Oxford English Dictionary, definition 2). e.g. Step A - Z, repeat. Nothing more, nothing less.
It has absolutely nothing to do with one's intelligence. It is a learning process every person on the planet whether ASD or NT uses at most points in their lives. It is how everybody learns a majority of things like chores, care tasks, everything.
It is how toddlers learn to talk. And children to tie their shoes. It is how you learn how to cook. Ride a bike or drive a car. It is practiced motion and the forging of neural pathways in the brain itself. It creates muscle memory on how to place one's fingers over piano keys.
Science and engineering tend to be very straightforward or linearly progressive fields. Very black and white. Is and is not approach. The root words of the terms have no bearing on intellect.
Intelligence is defined as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. (Oxford dictionary, definition 1). Key word here being knowledge, not just skill.
You learn to play an instrument in a linear way. Logical, rational, or sensible could also be used because it is describing the learning process, not the consciousness itself.
Consider the examples:
Mary Sue was taught to play the piano using a linear approach.
Mary Sue was taught to play the piano using an intelligent approach.
One highlights the aspects of the left-side dominant learning approach. The other discounts all other learning processes, for which no context or parameters have been established.
Throughout this entire conversation the term 'intellectual' or some derivative of has been incorrectly wielded as a categorizing criteria, which is highly inaccurate.
One can be intellegent and musically inclined. This is accepted. However, the two are not mutually exclusive and do not even have to be within the same consciouness. Music like poetry is one of the most polarized spectrums in terms of learning in that it is a global process of technical aspects and intrepertation. It is not dominated by a hemisphere.
It takes a linear approach to things like chess and logic puzzles, reading, writing, composition, history, mechanical engineering, computer programming, medicine, math. The list goes on. These are all areas where intelligence is very much a tangible aspect. It isn't all theoretical physics and long winded philosophy.
Skills are their own type of knowledge and without them, yikes. But knowledge itself does have an element to creation to it. Think about the difference between reading and writing. Most reading is a passive process. How often do we really think about a story? As a reader, not as often as we would like to admit. Writing, however, is an active process because we are drawing on knowledge and testing skills.
It is the difference between a musician and a composser. One has immense skill who intreperts what is written. One contributes to the knowledge base by actively writing and creating something new. Though their roles are different the musician and the composer are not defined or ranked by their intellect. The success of one, will benefit the success of the other.
It isn't about an IQ score or ranks in a standardized test it is about the lessons we learn and knowledge we gain from the world around us not matter how we learn.