One day, maybe they will discover thousands of amazing youtube videos that someone left behind. Things can go completely obscure on there, too
Oh yeah, that already absolutely happens a lot. And it's really a shame.
I dont really do TV or movies, Youtube completely replaced that for me, and on there, I tend towards creepy surreal stuff, horror, particularly of the analog/digital variety.
Every now and then some series nobody seems to have heard of will surface, and I check it out and I'm like... holy heck this is PHENOMENAL. A quick check then shows that this person (whoever it is) has been at it for like a whole year or two, just pumping out this amazing series (whatever it is) and hardly anyone notices. Whoever it is will have like, maybe 1000 subscribers, sometimes a lot less, their videos arent getting many views or comments... But they just keep doing it anyway, even though it all gets lost in the ether.
Fortunately there are some creators on the platform who have started basically trawling the depths of Youtube's forgotten corners to find stuff like this and bring it to light, but that only helps so much.
And that's just Youtube. Also happens A LOT with video games. That's a bit easier for me personally, as I'm in position to simply do that trawling myself, but still, it's very frustrating when every now and then I find something that is like this perfect little masterpiece... but it's gone basically unnoticed. Some wonderful creative thing that deserves attention but just gets knocked to the wayside. Or in some cases, the creator just... has no confidence in what they made (even though it's great) and so not much happens on their end to push it anywhere.
Frustrating to see, really. And I realize I'm not immune to any of this either. Heck I keep saying I'm going to do game-dev stuff, make things, but I'm really dragging on that, because "well nobody will notice or care anyway" keeps coming to mind.