Someone was telling me about their dreams and how they often involved various animals.
This made me start thinking about my own dreams.
I realised there have been very few dreams that ever had animals in them,
despite feeling a close connection to the animal kingdom.
From a psychological viewpoint I wondered if others have dreams that contain animals.
Especially those on the spectrum because we all seem to relate to our pets and animals.
I remember my dreams and lucid dream often.
Yet I can only remember a couple of times dreams that had animals in them.
Horses once, a bird, and a few of spiders.
Do you have animals in your dreams?
This made me start thinking about my own dreams.
I realised there have been very few dreams that ever had animals in them,
despite feeling a close connection to the animal kingdom.
From a psychological viewpoint I wondered if others have dreams that contain animals.
Especially those on the spectrum because we all seem to relate to our pets and animals.
I remember my dreams and lucid dream often.
Yet I can only remember a couple of times dreams that had animals in them.
Horses once, a bird, and a few of spiders.
Do you have animals in your dreams?