Au Naturel
Au Naturel
It's like I said. It was a lifetime of work, and it is still a work in progress and will probably be so until the day I die. Not everyone can go that way.From what you wrote earlier in this thread, I am very glad you were able to successfully heal your PTSD. I applaud your hard work to overcome that and I am glad you had the right resources to help. Please just remember that not everyone's brain works the same nor is everyone's trauma or experience the same.
To me, it is not about comparing the severity of one another's trauma or autism difficulties nor making judgments on expected outcomes (Especially without having walked in the other person's shoes), but helping to get more support and compassion out there for the huge traumatic hurdles many on the autism spectrum face without the needed support, guidance, finances and expertise. IMO we need more experts better trained about autism and CPTSD along with better, affordable resources for ASD adults so a higher percentage can heal from trauma as well.
I did see a therapist briefly in my early 20s. There was a bit of the absurd where she had me beating the sofa with a bataka to get my anger out. That was fun, but anger at my parents wasn't the issue. I felt worthless. I'd spent my entire childhood being told how stupid I was and how worthless by parents, teachers, and peers. (Never mind the beatings or the emotional abuse by Mom.) I didn't see any way I could ever be of any value as a person. I'd learned the lessons well.
She encouraged me to embrace my inner child (How corny that sounds!) and to accept myself for simply existing without placing value judgments on the state of that existence. It seems that believing you are worthless prevents one from making progress. You can achieve incredible success but still feel worthless inside.
And then my freebie visits ran out, and that was that. One reason I always encourage philosophy is that I could never afford therapy. You can't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. It is an absurd concept. You do need to grab something, though. Philosophy is a flimsy rope but it is still something outside of you to grab.
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