Most employers will have a strategy to push more and more onto an employee until they sense "resistance" from said employee. "How much work can I get out of this person?" It is frustrating at times, especially in positions where "If I don't do it, it doesn't get done." Most employers do not have a good sense for how difficult and demanding some of these positions are,...and it isn't until said employee leaves on a holiday/vacation that the employer has any sense of it. It's one thing if you have a partner that can cover you, but that's not always the case. If you have a sense of responsibility and duty,...admirable, honorable,...but some employers sort of count on you feeling guilty for leaving the job for any sort of personal time off,...and will take advantage of that. My wife and I are both in jobs like this. Some of my co-workers struggle to have any time banked up in their Paid Time Off account,...where as my wife and I struggle to take any time off and have several hundred hours banked up because we rarely take a break for ourselves. Sometimes we are forced to turn in our vacation hours for a check at the end of the year because we've banked up too many hours.
Having said that, I NEVER check work e-mails at home, and I refuse to answer work texts or phone calls while I am at home or on vacation. I tell people I will be "out of the system", so don't bother trying. All emergency concerns go to my up-line. I am off-the-grid,...sometimes literally.
For your sanity, separate your work life from your personal life.