That's weird but cool, in the best possible ways.
I bet you that one of those cheap old televisions, the little 5" black-and-white jobs that they used to sell for about $40 brand new, would be a viable way to build a miniature CRT monitor. Put an amber gel or something over the screen, or paint it with a translucent green paint perhaps--and see what happens. It'd be pretty interesting as well to put it into a 3d-printed case that doesn't look like a television.
They were pretty lousy but one of these was also the first, last, and only TV that I actually owned. Used it for the weather forecasts when I was a kid. Weather is fun.
It was also the source of a hilariously weird childhood memory when I walked into the other room at night and found my dad sitting up, wide awake, watching
Dora the Explorer on it. We made eye contact for an uneasy moment and I turned around and went back to bed.