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Anyone else obsess over people they love in an unhealthy way?

I used to obsessed with my friend, she understand me, we had common goals at the time.

It all happened naturally and felt out of my control: I kept pushing our relationship forward, socializing with her alone during that time. I love to stare at her and I'll put my arm against hers as I walk. I'm obsessed with the smell of her and I don't mind her sitting on my bed. She liked to write letters so we wrote a lot of letters at the time. I told her three times that she smells good and she said it sounded creepy, and I made sure she wasn't joking so I stopped saying that.

It's not like my usual self, but she showed an understanding of me that I had never experienced before. I think the obsession stems from this deep understanding and my unconscious willingness to push the relationship forward. This went on for six months, then I gradually calmed down. We are still friends, but I am not obsessed with her like that now.

I stopped being obsessed with her, because I learned that she had no intention of furthering our relationship, and we happened to be apart for a while because we needed to focus on our studies.

It took six months for us to become friends, and then six months for me to be obsessed with her, it still amazes me that it all happened in such a short amount of time.

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