I am that which I am
Well-Known Member
Wow, that's really good info! I didn't know there was a difference between being lactose and dairy intolerant. I had basically the same experience with Remeron. And good point about how doctors are not going to remember that same piece of info. If I ever decrease an anxiety med even slightly, I have a reaction almost as bad as your friend did.
To me there is a difference, but not everyone agrees on that. If you are lactose intolerant you cannot digest lactose which is found in milk. Dairy products are modified and some will have less or more lactose because of the processing. So those that are lactose intolerant can still eat yogurt, cheese, and butter to a certain depending how intolerant they are since these have less lactose. I can still have ice cream for some reason even though that is higher in lactose than milk itself. Dairy intolerant, you cannot digest any milk product.
It is possible to get off an anxiety medication, but for some people they really have to take it slow. Like taking a little less (varies by medication) once per week and slowly increasing that to get it to every day might work better. Although you usually have to take meds every day there is usually a good amount left in your system. So decreasing a little one day out of the week will barely affect how much is there, but still has a small effect. It is one reason why it can take a few weeks before a medication starts doing something, it needs to build up a consistent amount that remains constant from day to day even with a single high dose at a particular time. Of course now to help reduce the shock the high dose can have on the body they have made medications that will be released more slowly over the day. And sometimes it is best to just stay on it since you are taking it for a reason and over the years the body develops a kind dependence on it and is used to relying on it.