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Anyone felt they don't fit in?

Anyone felt they don't fit in?

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Like most others I never felt I fit in anywhere (even on forums like this). And ditto with the not caring. I used to wear cowbow boots to school :thumbsup:
Like most others I never felt I fit in anywhere (even on forums like this). And ditto with the not caring. I used to wear cowbow boots to school :thumbsup:
However, it seems like a very good idea to actually to easily indentify yourself :lol:
I might wanna give that a try? :thumbsup:
Hmm. My music industry class at college is probably the time when I get the worst feeling of being... left out/not fitting in. Everyone else is loud/cocky/etc and I find it hard to participate or even learn with that kind of crap going on around me. :(
No, I don't feel that I don't fit in. I clearly don't fit in! I don't feel disconnected from people. I'm not connected to anybody. Same for most other feel that I don'ts, etc. Obviously, I don't feel the positive opposites, either but that's not feeling the negative versions.
Yes, all the time.

Okay i started writing down way to much info about my life so i am going to just say this.
I had a bad life and i am still not doing so well, i can't fit in with anyone.
Kinda like Emor for me too, I don't always notice that I don't fit in anymore, even if I try to be part of a social situation. I do notice that others notice that I'm odd in some way when trying to be social, and that can bother me alot sometimes. I tend to interrupt when others speak if I really have to add something to the thing they were speaking about. However, the internet is a completly different drama, here one can speak and everything is well organized so It's hard to interrupt when someone's making a comment :P So I guess I do feel like I fit in in cyberspace ^^

I also have a hard time following a conversation at let's say a dinner, when two or more conversations are ongoing at the same time. Instead, I try to focus on both, and listen to both at the same time, which makes it really hard to get into any of them or even get anything said at all (unless someone asks me something that I can answer). So I guess I move myself out on the outside of a social circle and just observe instead of joining in. And since I have a need to think before acting/talking then the internet suites me a lot better as the keyboard is perfect for making thoughts into understandable language.

In my teens I spaced myself out alot with neon raveclothing and stuff. Doing my best to be as far as one could get from being "normal". At the same time I visited raveparties and became one with a group where no one really needed to mingle or be social in the way NTs socialize. Being as individual as possible, which is still my goal today even If I do my best to melt in as that makes life so much easier.
don't fit in with the normies, don't with the aspies
its not easy...mind you I never made any attempt to fit in with the latter
only the former
Lol, I might be recording a band at college in the near future. Not looking forward to that, I don't know any of them and I'll just be sat there trying to engineer and tell them what to do. I ain't gonna fit in at all.
Lol, I might be recording a band at college in the near future. Not looking forward to that, I don't know any of them and I'll just be sat there trying to engineer and tell them what to do. I ain't gonna fit in at all.
Haven't you been in a band before though?
Yeah, I'm awesome at being in a band. They tell me what to play and I play it, no problems. When recording a band I'm not participating and I actually have to communicate clearly to instruct them what I need them to do to get their song recorded properly. Hoping to get a friend to help me out with that side of things, I hate it lol.
I fit in at wild crazy concerts like Kittie, Rammstein and esOterica yep LOL I don't do to well in everyday situations really like something as simple as shopping I usually have to have someone go with me lol i'm such a wuss.
Ever felt you don't fit into any group?

Sometimes, yes, I feel like I don't fit into any groups.... When I was younger, some people wouldn't want me to join into any of their games and at the time I didn't seem to understand why? Could it possibly be because they know I have autism or the fact i'm socially awkward?

Sometimes I would have to isolate myself because of it and it seemed so upsetting and that was like... It even occasionally happens but this time it sometimes feels it and then I wouldn't say anything and let them blah blah blah on and on....

Also some of them didn't want to be friends with me either...

Now that i'm older, things seem to change... I definitely try and fit into the group and now got sets of friends :) and that was when I looked back and realised, "yeeh, that's what I was doing wrong", I turned it around and now I feel wanted or sometimes abit too much... :lol:

But at times I have my down days.... and feel like that...

I'm just curious if anyone has ever went through or is going through a similar patch?
I'm learning what it truly means to be a follower of Yeshua
I don't think I've ever really felt like I fit in, even among people with common interests. I'm getting more and more comfortable with myself, and I think I can interact with people better than I used to, but I don't think I'll ever really fit in anywhere.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt like I fit in anywhere for more than five minutes, by which point I’m proven very wrong. Including here and other ASD forums/groups. I’m well used to it by now. I’m happiest alone anyway. I also am very good at defying dichotomies and generalizations, I’m very often the exception that supposedly proves the rule, whatever that’s supposed to mean.

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