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Anyone Want To Talk About Our Interests?

I have an overwhelming amount of special interests o_O

My main/core ones are DOGS!!! Dog training and competitive dog sports, biology/zoology, travel, hairstyling and cosmetology/self-care stuff, fashion, collecting dog figurines/art and antiques, cooking and making pretty food arrangements, cleaning and organizing (yes really, lol) reading (nonfiction), nature documentaries, photography and video, music (I am a percussionist, a DJ, and I do some basic music production and play a few other instruments), and I am a visual artist (drawing, painting, digital art, photography, mixed media, and design.)

I am a certified dog trainer and I also show dogs and walk dogs and pet-sit for a living (cats too), and I am training my own medical service dog.

My dream is to run an animal sanctuary someday (I was talking about this with a few people on here earlier) and I also want to raise Dogo Argentino puppies in my home (that’s the breed of dogs that I have) and give them to families who need a dog, and are the right fit for this breed, and also give them to service dog foundations and therapy dog trainers.

Like I said, overwhelming, and that’s not even half of them :sweatsmile:

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