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Anyone with aspergers that are asexual?

This is so interesting. I always lumped the romantic and the rawer sexual urges together. For me, when I find a woman beautiful, and am attracted to her, I also want to be sexual with her. I get all the pheromone-charged, sweaty-palmed, pupil-dialating symptoms of arousal, too.
That's nowhere near the way I feel.

I never though the two categories could be discrete.
They are for me.

It's all part of the same thing for me.
I can't say the same thing for me.
I strongly believe that sexuality is quite complicated and forms a continuum, and, as demonstrated by the posts here, even "asexuality" has its own variations. Some people never were interested in sex, and others (like myself) have seen their sex drives decrease over time as to become practically non-existent. Some still like romantic attachment, some even like physical contact; and others have no desire for (and even aversion to) either.

This is something I would be interested to research some more.
Lately, I have been finding all the sexual orientation labels that are out there, to be more and more confusing. I seriously don't want to label myself with any of them anymore.
Interestingly, I stumbled across this blog article on the web, that I sort of related to. Why I Am Not a Heterosexual (BTW, the comment-writers on this guy's blog drive me nuts!! As for his other articles, I think he has some interesting thoughts, but there is a consistent failure of clarity in his writing, that results in the interesting thoughts failing to develop into good articles.)

I strongly believe that sexuality is quite complicated and forms a continuum, and, as demonstrated by the posts here, even "asexuality" has its own variations. Some people never were interested in sex, and others (like myself) have seen their sex drives decrease over time as to become practically non-existent. Some still like romantic attachment, some even like physical contact; and others have no desire for (and even aversion to) either.

This is something I would be interested to research some more.
Lately, I have been finding all the sexual orientation labels that are out there, to be more and more confusing. I seriously don't want to label myself with any of them anymore.

Lately, I have been finding all the sexual orientation labels that are out there, to be more and more confusing. I seriously don't want to label myself with any of them anymore.

Interestingly, I stumbled across this blog article on the web, that I sort of related to. Why I Am Not a Heterosexual (BTW, the comment-writers on this guy's blog drive me nuts!! As for his other articles, I think he has some interesting thoughts, but there is a consistent failure of clarity in his writing, that results in the interesting thoughts failing to develop into good articles.)
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^ As someone who seems to have a long lasting crush on transgender friend, I have recently learned so much more about vanity on all gender binary poppycock. As this isn't on private section, I'll probably reveal more than I should, but as this is somewhat relevant: It's interesting question itself that at which point I started to like her, as years back I didn't thin of him as interesting. Probably I'm just interested in the person herself. That would make me some kind of pan-something. These do get pretty complicated, as I'm not that much anything-sexual or -romantic. So would it be asexual aromantic pan/sapiointerested? Mmmh. I even hardly like people, neat. But then again, her personality surely hasn't changed as much as her social security number has in past years. Maybe I'm just stalking.

When I was younger and didn't have much experience in these things I thought that sex would be best shared in loving, caring relationship. I never thought that casual sex was totally bad choice, but as I saw more life and had courage to realize that I don't need or want romantic companionship, I could now say I am more open to other sex opportunities if I ever desired enough. For now I don't miss the sex and don't see myself making any efforts on it in near future. That in mind my unromantic tendencies do describe me in a way that's much more visible and noticeable.

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