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Aptitude Tests

What is the most logical reason for the scenario below?

  • A) The store doesn't have enough surveillance.

  • B) They got carried away talking and didn't realize it wasn't paid for.

  • C) Bobby plans on paying for the purchase when he comes back tomorrow.

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Unbelievable how times have changed.

Yes. My greatest concern is seeing employers abandon any sense of random or subjective analysis of potential applicants. Now it's all about placing "round pegs in round holes". That they overtly look for qualities exclusively pertinent to a specific job or corporate culture.

If you don't fit a key word, you're out. I find that scary as hell...along with the cost of healthcare employers don't want to deal with beyond a certain age. It's like existing in a dystopian society like "Logan's Run" except my palm isn't blinking. If I can't generate cash on my own, I'm dead. :eek:
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I would never have guessed that you'd need to be able to guess peoples' motives and intentions to be qualified to work at a dollar store.

Corporate mindsets are different now. In their eyes they can eliminate much of the guessing in running a credit report on applicants who would routinely handle cash- even in small amounts. But then again, in many cases it isn't just the corporations, but also those who insure them. Lower premiums through more vigilant and intrusive hiring processes.

In a bad economy everyone gets creative when it comes to cutting or containing costs.

Doing a difficult job was never the challenge. Just getting the damn job...that's something else.
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Corporate mindsets are different now. In their eyes they can eliminate much of the guessing in running a credit report on applicants who would routinely handle cash- even in small amounts.

Well crap, I'm probably never going to find a job then because my credit is junk yet nearly all the work experience I've ever had is being a retail cashier....

Can anyone in Australia tell me if the hiring process is that way over there too? And are they still hurting for motorcycle mechanics? We've always wanted to move there, especially a couple of years ago when they were in need of my husband's profession but we were always scared not knowing anyone over there and having small kids to make that huge leap.

Or Canada, that's a lot closer and probably more do-able.
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Well crap, I'm probably never going to find a job then because my credit is junk yet nearly all the work experience I've ever had is being a retail cashier....

Well, it just gives you some simple guidelines such as applying at smaller "Mom & Pop" retail entities who may not have such rigid and invasive employment practices large corporate entities are more prone to. Of course in the process you have to also balance the possibility of reduced benefits with smaller employers.
Just because you got turned down at one potential employer doesn't mean you need to move to a different country or continent. Just keep looking. Not everyone uses those silly tests, and maybe the fact that they do is a good indicator that you don't want to work for them anyway.

Keep trying.
Well anyway, days go by, no call, so I call the store and they tell me I failed the aptitude test horribly. I was dumbfounded. I've never in my life had trouble getting a job, let alone a cashier position at the dollar store.... Apparently they were looking for A type answers. Well here's how I see it: even if the place had enough surveillance the scenario still would've happened, it's what would've happened to Bobby when he walked out of the store and Susie the next day that the surveillance would've made any difference. So now here I am at a disadvantage because I have more logic than the freaking moron that made the test! I'm so livid.....
You know, it's maybe better you didn't get the job. Imagine being surrounded by people with that kind of mind set all day long, having them as your bosses even. You'd probably hate going to work after a week. I hope you'll find something much nicer soon.

Also B s the most logical answer of course.

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