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Are animals and children attracted to you?

I was walking through the local forest today and a dog ran up to me as I was walking, sat on my feet and rolled onto his back in a submissive gesture. The owner was totally perplexed by this behaviour. The dog didn't even approach any other walkers
I like kids, but in this day and age, a single man with kids hanging around is eyed with great suspicion. That is why I make it a point to never be left alone with kids. When I've taught children's Sunday school at church, I've always made sure I had a helper. Still, I've been unable to figure out what it is about my personality that attracts children. The closest explanation I've gotten was from the parents of some kids at church. They said, "You're like everyone's uncle." That's nice, but I'd rather not be everyone's uncle. Rumors and innuendo can start real easy and spread like wildfire.

Yes I hear you and it's sad. The world thinks a single man has no place with kids. I've been cornered by cops for something as simple as taking my daughter to the park, because someone said I was a kidnapper. Thing is there was no reason to even think that. We were just having fun playing on rocks and in the stream, not like I was dragging her against her will saying it's time to go like I see so many parents have to do. My daughter loves me and understands me because she is so much the same. But as for others, I can't even pass kids by without this look in their eyes like I'm some sort of creep. My sister's kids even say they are afraid of me yet I've never hurt anyone or given a reason to think that. My dad always said the world is afraid of quiet people and that's my problem. But the way the world is I'm better off not associating with people anyway especially children.

Animals, well especially dogs always seem to bark at me. Several people I know with dogs say I'm the only one he barks at. At a car show gathering there was a dog that everyone else said was nice, but when I had him smell me he jumped up and bit a chunk out of my chest. Cats and everything else, well they're just themselves no matter what. So I'd say no on the animals either.
I'm not terribly crazy about kids (lol they can be really freaking loud and that hurts my ears), but I have definitely noticed that. Animals too but then again if anyone walks down a street and someone's walking their dog, the dog will notice you whether you're NT or not. "OMG it's a person! I must sniff it!"

Except for the family's cat. He's a jerk. LOL!!!!
I've always been more close with animals than people. I can read them a lot easier and they seem to all like me. Kids, its half and half i guess. Kids i've babysat even just a handful of times love me, including the little boy i babysit 50hrs/wk right now, but at my part time job cashiering the kids are just as standoffish as i am (cause their parents are near, i get nervous). One on one i'm great with kids, though i don't like to be around them all the time.
When I see "animal", I automatically think of a dog. So anyways, dogs LOVE me. I don't know why, but they seem to love me. As for my dog, he hates me. I make him fight me (I go easy on him) for dog treats.
As for children, I am a child myself. My neighbors' kids are 5, 7, and 9 and they think I am hilarious :D.
Nope. I lived on a university campus full of wildlife and none of the animals even seemed to ignore me. They all fled. I have dogs, though, so dogs love me.
I just recently figured out I was an aspie so I am looking back at my life and realizing how many things are a part of this aspergers thing. I know it may be a strange question but it crossed my mind that animals and children have always been attracted to me for some reason that I could never figure out. Anybody else experience this?
Absolutely! I, in return, have always felt quite comfortable in the company of animals and children. I have no children of my own, but nieces and nephews and children of friends who have always delighted me. Now we have 3 horses, 3 cats and a dog.
Yes, both are although I'm not that attracted to children and can tolerate them in small doses. Babies seem to stare for ages before reaching out, I prefer horses to be honest.
Children do seem to be drawn to me, I never understood why. Maybe it's because I treat them like equals and don't use the baby talk with them like most of adults do, I don't know.
A few months ago one little girl of the age of 8-ish, after spending a couple of hours near me, told me: "Thank you", then she made a pause, looking intensely at me and not knowing herself what she was thanking me for, and added: "that you exist!". It was so unexpected and so sweet, it moved me. I think aspies are able to preserve some of innocence in them and children feel it and get attracted to it.
I can't say thought that I like all the children and surely I have a big difficulty tolerating the spoiled and screaming ones.

And also animals like me, yes. I was thinking about it, why animals like me. Me, personally, I feel more close to animals then to people and I have a big respect for them. My husband likes to tell this story to his friends how a few years ago we went to the aquarium and there was a pool full of stingrays and it was allowed to touch them. All the rays were in the middle of the pool and rarely approaching to the sides and there were a lot of children around eager to touch them. I got lucky as near me was one ray, I caressed his head and he seemed to enjoy it. In a couple of minutes all the rays were at my side. One mom came to us asking my husband: "but what trick she's using that all the rays are here and avoiding all the kids?", and I think the trick was that I was caressing rays for their pleasure, not for mine. And the kids were yelling and touching rays not very softly...

I think animals and children feel when they can trust someone and get drawn to such persons. :)
Dogs are commonly all over me. I don't know if it's because I pet them or what.

Babies I can usually just look at and make cry. I have no idea why, it baffles me as much as their parents. With the exception of my nephew and my kid. When my nephew was an infant (my sister still lived with my parents and me), all three would often send him in my direction when the Evening Weeping began because he would pipe down and go to sleep with me. Of course, my kid can break down when I tell him "no", but that's just what parents do. He's fine elsewise.
Kids, yes. Specifically those between the ages of 2 and 7. Also, babies of a certain age tend to focus on me. For example, I was sitting in a cafe, reading a book. I heard an infant say "Hi, hi, hi" over and over again. Someone's baby kept saying hi to me, so I said hi back, but the child wouldn't stop and kept staring at me, saying hi. This happens often. I smile a bit, but really, I don't like the attention or feeling like I have to say, "Oh, so cute!" (because the parent is always really excited to talk about their child), even though yes, the child is cute, but I'm busy reading, so I'd rather not.
Yes, to both. And I tend to gravitate to them. My brother is the same, but even more. If you have a screaming baby, give it to him and the screaming will stop instantly, even if they've never met before. I took advantage of that magic a lot when my son was tiny. ;)

All my life, I've amazed people with my interactions with kids and animals. I'd go out to my 4-H leader's acreage, as a kid, and wind up carrying around a cat. When she'd spot me, the reaction was always "how did you get that one to let you touch it?!?!? No one can get near it!" My answer? "It liked me" or "All I had to do was be still for a minute." I have a patience with kids and animals that most people don't. If they are afraid of me, I can wait it out. They all give in, eventually. :P When I started working at a preschool, there was a little boy with autism that no one could really do anything with. He refused to be touched or have any kind of interaction with the other staff members. My *second* day at work, he walked through the door, ran up to me and gave me a kiss. From that moment, I could do *anything* with him. It made the teacher kind of mad (I was a para) and jealous because all the kids preferred me, but this kid, especially, was totally unreachable to her and adored me. I spent all my time there trying to educate them on autism, but it was wasted breath. Every group of kids I've worked with have loved me, though. They fight over who gets to sit with me at lunch, try to be the closest during story time... Special needs kids do it the most, though. It makes total sense to me that autistic kids connect with me because I understand them like others don't, but I've had the same connection with other special needs kids, too. I think they feel more comfortable because they sense that I'm "different", too.
I haven't been around many types of animals, but dogs especially are very drawn to me. Cats, not so much. Animals in general - yes. Children, no.
I am great with animals, dogs are my faverate. I find that my family/friends dogs get exited when i come round. I think its because i give them too much attention and walk them on rare acations. Children i am not good with, i do try and spend time with my nephew but im always in my room. It does brake my heart that i dont see him when he comes round. At that time i dont relise it but when i think about it i feel like a bad person. Not only my nephew but my mum, dad, sister ect... I feel bad because i dont tell them i love them or spend time with them. Im always on my own in my room and im enjoying my time. I cant help it either, socialising with family isnt something i do and i guess i am a bad person for it
As I walk past families or parents with little kids, often times a kid will just laugh at me out of nowhere or just say "HI!" I usually make a funny face, and the parents give me a look like (or even say something like) "Sorry about that one, he's/she's crazy," and I always want to say "I don't mind, I don't have to raise them." Haha. That's as skilled as I can be with kids.

Lots of dogs and cats approach me as I walk, too. I love it.
Yes, I find that I can approach animals easily because I approach them on their terms, don't make sudden movements or eye contact, and so don't come across as aggressive.

With kids, if I'm in a mixed group with adults and children, sometimes they'll see that I'm not as engaged in the conversation as the other adults and they see me as being potentially open to play, and will sometimes come and talk to me. Also, I'm often more willing to give them attention or play with them that the other adults around, and I enjoy making things or playing some kinds of game with them. The only thing I can't handle is small kids shouting and screaming. Teenagers can often make me nervous, too, because I feel that they may be judging me. I have to deal a lot with kids as part of my job, and I generally get on well with them in ones or twos, I'm not so keen on groups of them, though.
I have always found it interesting that animals and children are drawn to me. Animals, I don't mind. Children, well, depends on behavior or even tidiness. Like if a kid is drooling, I get nauseous or if they're doing something gross with food, if they're noisy...but if they are well-behaved, I am totally fine. I don't talk baby style to children. I only do that with dogs. [emoji23]

Sorry if this offended anyone, but so far that's the best I can word it. I'm single and the last relationship, he wanted kids when I do not.

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