I apologize for generalizing and some stereotyping in this post.
When looking at most lists of Aspie traits and NT traits it seems that these two neurological groups have complimentary traits. For example:
Aspies focus on detail, NTs see the whole picture.
Aspies excel at logic and systematizing, while NTs excel at "social logic"
There may be more examples, but at the moment the two examples above are the most obvious to me.
What do you think about this?
When looking at most lists of Aspie traits and NT traits it seems that these two neurological groups have complimentary traits. For example:
Aspies focus on detail, NTs see the whole picture.
Aspies excel at logic and systematizing, while NTs excel at "social logic"
There may be more examples, but at the moment the two examples above are the most obvious to me.
What do you think about this?