What is Bramble?
When saying women do not like "nice guys" it depends on what you mean by nice. Nice is a worthless word.
Women do not like desperate men who ingratiate themselves, fawn shamelessly, anticipate all her whims, and make it clear they are grateful to receive the faintest expression of romantic interest from her. You will lose if you make yourself helpless, powerless, lacking all spirit, putting yourself completely at her mercy as your master and boss.
I do not like women who give me all the power in a relationship.
Women do like being treated well. They appreciate men who do thoughtful things and act kindly if they perceive the man as an equal. Some women want the man to take charge and be dominant. Very few women want submissive men.
Neither men nor women like people-pleasers.
Maybe your right but i have known a girl who I was friends with and she seemed to prefer weak type men. I went to parties with her and she would be shown attention by rougher types but always preferred thin men, who were vulnerable in some way. She was quite a bossy person but didn't even realize it. Also another friend of mine male is sexually attracted to domineering types of women, ( in fact these two got it on together for 2 nights) but paridoxically he was bossy himself in real life and no pushover.