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Same here! Every Christmas, I just tell them to get me candy (until I started having head-swimmy problems with sugar) and then I said my gift could be a special request during Christmas dinner. I know it's hard on my family, they feel like they're neglecting me because I'm the only one not getting gifts. I try to help them out and think of little things I want like a book or something so it works out for both of us.This is going to sound terrible, but I really hate getting gifts I don't like/want/need. I tell everyone that if they don't know what to give me, just give me flowers, wine or chocolates (can't go wrong there). I have extremely hard time getting rid of things I got from people I love even if I don't like the item. Even receiving a thing I don't like makes me feel terribly guilty. I feel quite attached to items in general, regardless of whether they have emotional value or not. Plants are even worse. I feel so bad if they wither. I guess I'm fairly sentimental. Supposedly NT, female.
This is so cute! They should give you a discount on your favorite pastry.I have also a sentiment for my favorite bakery in my family city. It is very traditional and old-fashioned. I created for them Facebook and twitter profiles, sent them Easter and Christmas cards and distributed promotional leaflets for my own expense through the city.
Undiagnosed NT
It's just not something I've ever shared with others...but maybe a fellow Aspie might understand somehow. The music is bittersweet...melancholy. Reminds me of myself...and how I never seem to fit in much of anywhere.
I am diagnosed. Yes I do get that way a lot with my daughters toys. I never take them to the 2nd hand store because I think of how sad it would be if they were never bought or loved again. I donate to my gyms daycare, because my daughter can still play with those toys when she's there, and they will always have kids to play with them everyday.
This would look crazy to other people, I am completely aware, yeah. But, it is a personal feeling. I have a few dolls I keep. One is an old japanese doll that I rescued from a 2nd hand store. She will be passed down when I'm dead someday.
I know exactly what you mean. I still can't believe my Mama got rid of some of my childhood animals. I still remember this one baboon I had that my brother named "Harry Deek".And his baboons name was "Coco Channel". I remember my Holly Hobbit doll and the camel that went with her. I bet she even got rid of my Barbie dolls!