I will speak non scientifically and not professionally with opinions.If living as a spirit is so free and wonderful, than why would we have to interact with people on earth? Why are there multiple worlds? What are spirits waiting for- to come back reincarnated as another human? Once I leave, I doubt I want to come back. Although I understand reincarnation and how it moves us forward, I do not understand this waiting around as a spirit. I think we cannot possibly know what is going on. Has any spirit told us exactly why they are there and what they are doing? Why are there so many spirits, but not everyone who dies hangs around as one?
The whole topic is fascinating.
There appears to be many spirits that don't interact or don't interact often, they're often around us a lot of the time, there can be various reasons why they're here, often relatives or past on loved ones appear to visit and sometimes watch over us. I have experienced evidence of this on numerous occasions, I've also seen numerous other people totally convinced by evidence that I've seen revealed to them while I was present, some have been absolutely taken aback, in fact I've even seen tears of joy and other strong emotions as something is revealed to them that only a passed on loved one could possibly know. I remember when my spiritualist friend (who is supposed to be a schizophrenic) came out with my Nan's first and surname (there was no incorrect guessing and it's not a common name) that he couldn't have known along with very precise details about their old house, very specific details about a particular ornament I used to be fascinated with as a child that they kept for years, a very detailed layout of the back garden including where the pond was and the path to it, the exact positions of the apple and pear trees, details of the conservatory around the side that was also used as as shed and much more, my Nan also had a few words to say that where exactly what my Nan would have said. Sadly there's obviously a lot of fakes out there making money out of vulnerable people and/or in the media, this angers me and all the unprofessional "ghost hunt" public events also anger me that never used to happen when I first started in 1996.
Some people also believe we all have a spirit guide, although I've had no direct evidence and I'm therefore open minded. There does appear to be a small minority of spirits that are either unhappy and/or confused after they've past on, often tragically or unexpectedly, but sometimes they're just very much attached to something in this realm that they won't let go of or they want something resolved, even though many of these spirits may come across as potentially troublesome, the majority of them aren't actually evil despite what some people believe, this can sometimes be resolved and only a small minority are truly malicious, but even then they only seem to have limited power in this realm. I have experienced evidence of this including E.V.P. recordings I've obtained and that colleagues have obtained in my presence when I was a paranormal investigator for quite a few years.
Part of you is already a spirit and your spirit is always in a non physical realm, but it's also connected to your physical body. Your physical body's sense's are powerful and usually override your spiritual senses. If you meditate so that you become so unaware of your physical body that you can no longer feel it, it is possible to sense your spirit and even astral project outside your physical body, I've done this and I've experienced actual evidence that it's much more than just a regular dream. In a way people astral project every night, although dreams take place in a different realm where objects appear to be created by the subconscious mind and they're usually not lucid. In non physical realms "matter" can be created by the mind, that's why spiritual protection techniques for instance involve imagining and visualising that there is a non passable barrier around you, for instance a bubble of light, the physics of this world don't apply there. If during an astral projection you physically feel or become aware of your physical body you will be dragged back into it, there is a strong connection while the physical body is still alive. Regarding your brain, it is possible to think and remember, effectively without a brain, memories and information seem to get passed back and forth between both spirit and the physical brain, however astral projection experiences may be treated as unimportant by the brain and may become inaccessible after a very short time upon "awakening". In a similar way you dream nearly every night in a very different non physical realm that is this time created by the subconscious mind (occasionally dreams can become lucid), but most people, especially adults fail to remember after waking up. You can train the brain to remember dreams by keeping a dream diary, you simply jot down your dream memories immediately upon awakening and then you review the diary and try to remember as much as possible later that day, you will be amazed at what you've written down at first because you usually won't remember having a dream at all until you read the diary. Keep this up for a few weeks and you will start to remember your dreams better as the brain keeps them in long term accessable memory instead, similarly astral projection experiences will also be remembered and will become accessable.
Regarding re-incarnation, there is alleged evidence, although I'm open minded and haven't obtained sufficient evidence to make an opinion, although I have been present during spirit clearances where the spirits allegedly move on somewhere, many spiritualist will claim they move towards a bright beautiful light, in many cases if the reason for a spirit being here is resolved they allegedly appear to move on willingly, although I have also been present in places where there is an extremely malevolent spirit that has been forcibly moved on. One place there was absolutely no mistake, I felt pressure and a presence that was so strong and horrid that we all had to take it in turns to put headphones on and listen to nice music in order to concentrate, it was like a very evil energy was trying everything to get us to leave, but this kind of thing never bothers me and I'm much more afraid of physical people. We didn't know, but I was in a house with a history of severe abuse and they struggled to let the place, but the issues got resolved, in fact I've seen various incidents of people being troubled by spirit where it's been resolved, sometimes with a clearance that does appear to really work (and I don't mean with a priest).
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