i totally regret having joined back in 2005, it led to being groomed by a predator and cyber bully who used multiple accounts to get at me,he mimicked my level of autism and copied my blog using my experiences of autism as their own- word for word,often on WP or forums full of parents where he could get more attention.
he made me see myself as a burden on society and on aspies and told me to kill myself,i was still non verbal back then and had no way of getting outside support,i didnt know what to do. i ended up severely pyschotic and my challenging behavior became so extreme i smashed up my bedroom and my triple glazed window with my head and did lots of other worse things i regret-i was locked up in an intellectual disability secure hospital for four months and lost my placement in the residential home.
worst of all,i lost my pet chickens that i had bred because they were being kept on the farm that was owned by the residential home miles away and because i had left there on bad terms they dont like me turning up at the farm.