You seem to not have tried any of the good ones. Unless you're being silly, they don't spout nonsense. Sure, you can't discuss literary opinions with them but a normal conversation is easy and they don't ignore what you say.
Every single one I tried so far (including the Replica) seems to lack data and patterns of behaviour towards topics I tend to discuss or just even normal ones, mostly answering in quite a flat way without addressing the issue at hand. You may ask something and receive an answer that has little in common with it. Or comment on something and receive a random sentence about something else. Many answers simply don't make sense (although Replika does seem more polished and at least you can give feedback when it's being ridiculously random).
It's also a bit annoying to have to always prompt them to say things. I simply don't enjoy one-way conversations as much as some do.
Maybe I just can't talk to AIs. Or maybe I just expect too much from them.
And they repeat themselves. Like, literally.