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or if men with autism do eventually find girlfriends, lots of them never have their first girlfriend until later than normal, as in like, past mid-20s, or just commonly, 30+ or 40+.That is true, as far as I know. My autistic adult son's, 3 of them, are in that camp.
My guy friend has had an enormous amount of bullying though, so that is something that many autistic people, men and women, have had in common.
Mostly, he has been intimidated by women and not aware when they are interested in him and the ones he's ended up with are very troubled, and ultimately, liabilities. Except me, of course! Although, when I met him, I was also in bad shape.
It is so complicated, this "dance" of the sexes. Hard enough for many NT men to understand and connect with women, and so is it any wonder that autistic men are further disadvantaged?
But I will say, though, that attitude is everything!
You must heal your trauma if you want fulfilling relationships. You must learn to deeply care for yourself and relinquish judgment. You must understand that life is a learning experience and when you learn what it is you need to, to achieve what it is you want, everything changes. The experiences of the past no longer hold sway.
Men are at such a disadvantage in terms of societal sanctioned (lack of) emotional awareness and the mores and "toxic" messages given to them by the society at large.
In order to heal you need to break away from those mean-spirited societal messages you have internalized and truly learn to deeply care and respect yourself.
Shed the shame that rejection instills, and realize your own inherent worth. Once you have develop that internal "centering" of accepting yourself and the life conditions that you are in, you free up energy to develop yourself in ways that are increasingly more attractive.
It is about leaving behind all sense of "victimhood" and stepping into your self empowered, authentic, kind and loving masculine self. THAT is what mature women want, we want men who believe in their own worth and accept themselves in all their strengths and works-in-progess not-so-strengths and who have enough emotional energy left over from the challenges of survival, to give us self-respecting boundaried devotion and authentic affection and sexual friendship. It is maturity that women respond to, and many Autistic men have not developed that maturity yet. Hense their lack of sexual success.
Yeah, i have had this mentality for years now, people who identify as life coaches, say they find it to be unfortuneate, sad and too bad that social skills are not taught in school or at home in our formative years, it sucks that the education system in our formative years doesn't have classes that teach people how to successfully interact with others, instead they place more importance on stupid stuff as Algebra.
But yeah, i would imagine, men with autism are sadly more at risk of being thrown the creepy stalker label than NT men are, even if the rate is low, it is still more common than men who are NT who get thrown those labels.
Thats a huge reason why i'm often reluctant to approach women in public places, because i don't want to accidentally violate a womans boundaries or make her feel uncomfortable.
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