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Are those with Autism more likely to be atheists?

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So you're saying you might be swayed to have your beliefs changed?

They've already been changed. I have not yet come to the person with enough of a convincing argument as to why one religion or god could be accepted, but I suppose they could be if they have a good enough case.

The fact of the matter is that it is impossible for all faith based religions to be true, but it is very possible that all of them could be false.
I do not think that there is any one religion that is all true and that is why I have distanced myself from any organized religion. My faith is strong enough to know God exists; I do not need to belong to a certain religious group to help me keep my faith in check. And speaking only for myself, there is nothing that the other side can say to change my belief. That's what having faith is all about - having total trust in something without proof.
I do not think that there is any one religion that is all true and that is why I have distanced myself from any organized religion. My faith is strong enough to know God exists; I do not need to belong to a certain religious group to help me keep my faith in check. And speaking only for myself, there is nothing that the other side can say to change my belief. That's what having faith is all about - having total trust in something without proof.

So, faith is believing without evidence or observable fact, which you know of it exists, but cannot tell others how you know.

So in other words...

Your faith is strong enough to know which you cannot possibly know?
It seems like this thread has strayed far from the original question, "Are those with Autism more likely to be atheists?" Perhaps it would be better to start another thread where debate and insults concerning such issues could be the topic.
Sorry, but you basically said you have some enlightened superior knowledge over all of us who don't believe in god based on your faith. That isn't something you get away with without being challenged.

How about this.....maybe the article is right and I'm an NT.
How about, we'll close this for the time being.

This is;
A. becoming a back and forth between 2 members
B. It doesn't become less hostile
C. A generic warning has been issued in the thread before
D. It's going off topic constantly
E. This thread shows why apparently religion tends to be problem to discuss on even a forum like AC.

For what it's worth, this thread could be easily solved by putting up a poll and no actual replies of sorts. Have a breakdown in numbers rather than arguing about someones beliefs, questioning them and calling them delusional for having faith in something others don't understand.
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