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Are we innately incapable of knowing if we are in love or have feelings for someone?


New Member
Hi. I've posted about this before on another site. I dated a person over the summer, who had BPD. There were specific problems that lead to stuff ending. These are just some of them though.

Namely, I had a very hard time understanding how I felt about her — don't get me wrong, I cared about her and her own problems, I found her attractive, and I really liked her as a person; we also had a very intense connection. At the same time though, there was the consistent problem of not knowing how I felt romantically; I assumed that I liked her, and thats what told her, but looking back, while I was definitely leaning towards wanting a relationship with her, I was a little more ambivalent than I admitted to myself. She would tell me intense things about her and her past, or about her know, things that I found shocking and were somewhat disturbing, but which I got over very fast (I had just never run into someone with things like these before, and initially they were overwhelming but not dealbreakers). The hard part was that she would always follow it up with "do you judge me", "do you think less of me" etc. And that would put me into a bit of shock, because I actually wasn't sure — I didn't want to say yes, but, because I was a little shocked in the moment, they kind of hit me hard. And there were other times when she asked me things like "I hope you're not pretending to have feelings with me because you can't get with anyone else," and another time she said a very shocking thing about her and called me a "tourist" because I didn't say anything right away.

The problem was, for me, having to constantly understand how I felt, in specific stressful situations, to reassure her that I actually liked her, was difficult for me. It was like when I'm under pressure to know that I feel that way, its very hard to actually know. There were two occasions were I didn't have that amount of pressure, and the feels were there, often stronger in some ways than any other time before. This is part of the reason why when we tried to get back together, it was very hard, because I was constantly under lots of pressure to understand how I felt, and it was overwhelming; the more that I thought about it, the harder it was to see her in that way, except for when we talked on the phone (because i was away on a trip) it felt amazing...

I've read that a lot of us have a hard time expressing love to others, and it seems that it might relate to the fact that we might not innately understand it as a feeling...So is it normal for us aspies to not innately understand what feelings/love is? Is there therapy/medication that might help with this-i.e. marijauna or oxycotin?
Just to summarize, I guess my question is can anyone relate to extreme difficulty in understanding romantic feelings, especially when under pressure.
We can love deeply if people let us. You were forced and rushed. She TOLD you how to feel (don't judge, etc). When people are affirming and kind, they don't need to ask you how you feel. You would know if you loved someone.

The body excretes chemicals like oxytocin, etc. when you are in love and it's not really one of those things where you would be like, "Yes? No?" You may not have felt it because maybe you were on edge?

I just think she was pushing you into feeling like you SHOULD be feeling and watching to see if you were or not and that is one sure way to kill feelings.

I could be wrong........
But I sure fell in love totally. It was not reciprocated, but oh yeah, I felt a lot!
We can love deeply if people let us. You were forced and rushed. She TOLD you how to feel (don't judge, etc). When people are affirming and kind, they don't need to ask you how you feel. You would know if you loved someone.

The body excretes chemicals like oxytocin, etc. when you are in love and it's not really one of those things where you would be like, "Yes? No?" You may not have felt it because maybe you were on edge?

I just think she was pushing you into feeling like you SHOULD be feeling and watching to see if you were or not and that is one sure way to kill feelings.

I could be wrong........
But I sure fell in love totally. It was not reciprocated, but oh yeah, I felt a lot!

Well she had lots of anxiety, so she constantly needed reassurance. At one point I thought I was more into her than she was, and then when she caught up tho she needed more and more reassurance. It got to be too much. We also didn't date long enough to be in love - it was more about feelings.

I've just read that this is a normal aspie issue.
I don't have trouble understanding my feelings, however, I do have trouble putting my feelings and thoughts into words when under pressure.

That, and when I'm in an argument with someone and they put pressure on me to express my feelings I get very conflicted feelings. I might love someone deeply, but the pressure makes me feel anxious, possibly angry or sad, and that makes it a little harder to give a concise answer about how I feel. I might love someone deeply in general, but I don't even like that person in that moment for putting me on the spot like that. Especially if I feel the questioning is unwarranted. I might also get conflicted over whether I'm expected to say what I actually feel at that moment, or what the other person wants to hear.
I don't have trouble understanding my feelings, however, I do have trouble putting my feelings and thoughts into words when under pressure.

That, and when I'm in an argument with someone and they put pressure on me to express my feelings I get very conflicted feelings. I might love someone deeply, but the pressure makes me feel anxious, possibly angry or sad, and that makes it a little harder to give a concise answer about how I feel. I might love someone deeply in general, but I don't even like that person in that moment for putting me on the spot like that. Especially if I feel the questioning is unwarranted. I might also get conflicted over whether I'm expected to say what I actually feel at that moment, or what the other person wants to hear.

What about before you're in love, and you're just still dating, in that stage where you think yo have feelings but have not yet reached the point of love.
What about before you're in love, and you're just still dating, in that stage where you think yo have feelings but have not yet reached the point of love.
I'll tell them "I like you and I'd like to see where this goes". I honestly don't see why people put pressure on someone else to say "I love you". What's wrong with still developing feelings for someone you're still in the process of getting to know?

Personally, I get creeped out when someone says "I love you" very early in the dating process, because I feel like you need to get to know someone before you can be sure that you actually love them as a person.
i am not incapable of love. if anything, i am way too capable. i never know if its real, or faked.
Summarily, I believe she has severe self-esteem problems and yes people with autism can experience the feeling of love.

It feels unfair how she puts you on the spot with things that are shocking to you and expect an immediate response and affirmation. I have a feeling you don't "tease" her about her anxieties in that way.

Love from my perspective: You start with compatibility, interest and attraction. Then you get to know eachother. The more you get to know one another and are able to confide in eachother, the better you understand their personality. If there is a mutual appreciation for that personality, you'll both put effort into the other's happiness. Then add time and it grows into love. All the positive effort put into getting to know eachother and being affectionate or caring to one another magnifies the positive emotions you have for eachother.

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