silent ABAB
Well-Known Member
I've thought about that before, albeit only in the "preservation of species" sort of thing.
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Still waiting for the girls 2 cents on this
Ultimately I think we as a human race will loose our genetic diversity mostly because those of us who should have been weeded out have not been due to medical science. I have watched so many medical programs about some poor kid that has been through so many medical procedures for years and years to keep them alive rather than letting them pass. I think we as a society are loosing what it means that sometimes things don't work out, that some times the genetics a child is born with are not meant to survive. These genes are supposed to be weeded out but now a lot of these children are being kept alive long enough to reproduce themselves. Then there are the ones who reproduce for a career choice rather than because they want to bring a child into this world to love and care for (I say this because in the town I currently live in this is actually what happens. For any girl raised in this town at present it is considered to be a miracle if she gets to age 20 without two children). If those of us who are educated and above average intelligence defer or not have children because of careers or choice or what have you does this mean we as a human race and breeding ourselves into an evolutionary dead end because only those who would normally not be able to breed are now being given every opportunity to breed? Or paid to breed?
I know I'm throwing some things out there that would be controversial but screw it I want to have a good intellectual debate where political correctness is irrelevant.
@ dragon, the problem with eugenics is, someone has to decide which traits are good (if nature isn't going to). And who do you trust to decide that? Hitler wanted us all to have blond hair.
A lot of NT's might think autism is a problem that needs getting rid of.
I guess I need to explain my train of thought...improving the gene pool in the absence of natural selection is eugenics.
@Dragons Tooth,
I see what you're saying about people surviving because we can save them medically rather than let them die. Very harsh truth, but there you go. It's a very tough subject as I'm sure I'm not the only one here who probably wouldn't have survived birth without medical intervention...
As for the thought about it being our moral duty to spread our wonderful aspie selves far and wide, Er, I wonder if we shouldn't organise a giant "love-in" between all is aspie males and our female counterparts here on AC?? :bounce: Im wonder how our female aspies would feel about their moral duty??![]()
Prepare for a backlash of female indignation ....
As for being paid for mating, well I bet there won't be a shortage of male volunteers!! :wavespin:
Females might get upset again realising that they carry a "monetary" value(!!!)
But, hey, it's all rock n roll isn't it?![]()
So much of the eugenics movement past & present is predicated upon the basis & the unscientifically substantiated presumption of white Anglo-Saxon/Scandinavian superiority. Given many of the social advantages to be gleaned due to this social prejudice, many people would choose to genetically select for those traits: NOT necessarily because they preferred them personally or aesthetically (blonde hair was never anything great to me...) but because they know that western society thinks so. I never wanted to be taller than I am either.
So much of the eugenics movement past & present is predicated upon the basis & the unscientifically substantiated presumption of white Anglo-Saxon/Scandinavian superiority. Given many of the social advantages to be gleaned due to this social prejudice, many people would choose to genetically select for those traits: NOT necessarily because they preferred them personally or aesthetically (blonde hair was never anything great to me...) but because they know that western society thinks so. I never wanted to be taller than I am either.
The problem goes beyond stupid people who seek justification for their idiotic racist views. The danger is that established academics (funded & supported by venerable institutions) are in positions to compound bastardized blends of pseudo-science & their own racist views & legitimize them by using their status as scholars & scientists to claim that their views are scientifically valid. This affects how schools teach & educate chidren, what learning materials are provided to whom, how teacher expectations limit some students while promoting others, how teacher expectations shape how they teach & how children, in turn learn to see themselves & their own potential.
As a teacher, I pay careful attention & watch myself for any biases that may affect how I handle the students.
Science explains all things- some say...BUT some things are not governed by scientific rules but mere human will o' the wisp whims & trends.Right now, too, any boy (esp) who is fidgety in school has ADHD & must be medicated...only it is another lie.
The natural world seems to have done alright in not mixing "intelligence" and natural selection. Who are we to intervene in something we don't really understand?
Oh, and I'm not convinced that humans are actually "intelligent", so that's the end of that one eh?![]()
My dog has convinced me she is a simpleton
@ Smith: Thanks for the support, once again. What you said was just as true: I just expanded on the idea you expressed.
"And people with good ideas but no status get ignored." -Smith
Society has been conditioned to trust in those with letters preceding or following their name much in the way previous generations believed the word of any person of the cloth & before that, in the words of the nobles of the day. Different forms of might made right. Now that the church no longer holds the populace in thrall, it's academic credentials that rule the day. As soon as some PhD emerges with an armload of 'studies' backing his opinions, they become gospel.
Good ideas are one thing but we seem to have lost our ability to appreciate ideas or even debate them in a reasoned manner. We want absolutes: we want facts. Science can provide some (like whether or not you've got the Ebola virus or are anaemic) but when it comes to socially constructed 'truths', science becomes a poor tool for measuring their validity. Opinion, folk belief, so-called common sense & 'everybody knows this' truism shapes social patterns & since they are not scientific in nature & do not follow & are not shaped by scientifically discernible (& impartial) patterns (like gravity -which cares not whether it seizes hold of prince or pauper, sinner or saint). Those who call themselves social scientists are walking & talking oxymorons.
Sometimes society seems to me like novelty driven children. A kid gets a new teddy & he wants to carry it everywhere with him until he gets a new truck. Then, teddy is for bed time only & on it goes. All was in class & birth- until we learned better. Everything was in the genes for a while...until we learned that this is not the case. Science explains all things- some say...BUT some things are not governed by scientific rules but mere human will o' the wisp whims & trends.Right now, too, any boy (esp) who is fidgety in school has ADHD & must be medicated...only it is another lie.