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Are you your thoughts?

Not sure if you recognize this one or not. War. War never changes.

Part of my evidence for my underlying belief "people are stupid". Which does not negate that individual people can be quite intelligent, but, as a whole... not so much.
Not really. The specifics may, but the general concepts? No, not so much. All variations on a theme. (or themes).
True, but the specifics change. The people who fight in them change. The weapons change. On some level change is a constant.
True, but the specifics change. The people who fight in them change. The weapons change. On some level change is a constant.

Yes, but we were talking about the reasons for war. (or at least I was). People seem to keep coming up with the same excuses. Politics, money, ideology, etc.
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War is very profitable. Even those fought for alleged ideological reasons usually have some hidden greedy motivation in there.

War changes people, for bad and good. It’s like the thoughts leaders must have to wage it reveal how much they believe it is ok to do so. If you use violence to create change, you are still perpetuating violence. How lost, corrupted, how much they have forgotten who they are and what we are. That has to change eventually if we are going to truly become what we are capable of becoming. Or we destroy ourselves which would be the ultimate change for humanity.
Give time time (the world mostly slows down for me to get on and off)

At school a fave poem was Prufrock by Eliot

think think think (one of my myriad special interests)

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