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Artificial light sickness

Does anyone get sick from artificial lights? The glare makes.me dizzy, irritable and sick. It feeds into addictive behaviours which soothe the discomfort.

Even low wattage is bad.

I am sorry this happens to you. I hear a lot of autistic people do not like or really have trouble with fluorescent lights which always made me feel guilty because I am autistic but I love them. They are soothing to me. I always look for anything that soothes me because I am so anxious all the time.
Do you have ways to cope with fluorescent lights and LEDs other than avoiding them? Their spectrum is so weird and so annoying and the fluorescent lights blink on top of that, which I find nauseating sometimes.
Do you have ways to cope with fluorescent lights and LEDs other than avoiding them? Their spectrum is so weird and so annoying and the fluorescent lights blink on top of that, which I find nauseating sometimes.
I remember speaking to an opticians which said you can get special glasses lenses for flickering bulbs. I never followed it up.

I wear Baseball cap or Shades.
My comfort with light varies greatly by type of source, CRI spectrum, temperature, and intensity. The worst, by far are bluish/stark white fluorescent or LED lights. Incandescent lights are best, with ~92 CRI, 2700K, and low output. My ideal light would be entirely candle/lantern light.

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