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ASD and NT

I have no idea why my experiences would make anyone uncomforable. I am not a C.I.A spy or road house stripper!
Whatever the memo is, I can't read it!
I usually just keep quiet. That makes everything easier!

Good point. In my experience I've come to the conclusion that intimating certain details about your life can yield a wildly broad scope of reactions.

"Been there, done that, got the t-shirt." :eek:

Eventually made me much more reserved about what or how much I tell people about something of such a nature. Can't go wrong defaulting to just keeping quiet. ;)
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Being labeled on the spectrum means that you are not accepted in the average person NT world. You are socially off the averages of what is acceptable behavior.

Since I have 2 ASDs in my home (wife, son) it gives this NT a very unique perspective on things. If my wife died I think I would find another ASD wife if possible.

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