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I already took online tests and they came back as high functioning autism, but i don't think I can use this as proof to know what kind of theropy I'll needIt might be hard for some people to answer here without you saying which country you live. I had a look at your introduction and you are an adult. I had no idea from your avatar, so you can do this yourself. My GP was the one who referred me in the end as an adult in the UK.
I would go to your GP who should able to refer to some somewhere to do the testing. Have you done any of the online tests like AQ-10 to give some indication if you may have autistic traits or not.
Here it's government subsidised too, total cost to me was Au$500. (about US$300)Or you could try going directly to a specialist as Outdated mentioned.
Hi, I'm not sure if there is a previous thread on this.
I want to know how to get a diagnosis and what the process is.
On which waiting list did you go on?I didn't have to waste my time with GPs, I just walked straight in to a specialist autism diagnostic centre and asked for a diagnosis. Two ladies chatted to me for about 15 minutes then agreed that I was probably on the spectrum and put me on the waiting list.
You came in very clearI couldn't make out all of your introduction because of the text you used, I have problems with my eyesight so I couldn't make out all of your journey.
You want to get diagnosed and you must do what is best for you. However, for example not everyone feels it is best for them. My oldest nephew is 28 and a family man with a partner and children. Now I mentioned to him about getting diagnosed. He said there is no benefit for him working and he can manage his life. Now from what I seen some can take a long time to adapt to being diagnosed as autistic and have some appear to have a breakdown of previous coping. May be it needed to happen, but I don't know if your children are dependent on you or not. If not the case then this is not something to be considered as much.
Some people handle it all ok being diagnosed as well, just to something to may be consider if are the main provider and emotional one as such as well.
I'm feeling sorry to here this.Besides for living in the same city, we have in common that we want a diagnosis in order to figure out what kind of therapy to get. There's no advice that I have to give, because I'm lost myself in what to do next.
Six weeks ago, in desperation, I got myself admitted to the hospital. The meds prescribed have done a lot to make me feel better, but I'm still very much stuck - not knowing how to move forward, and not having the motivation to try.
The meds have been amazing, accomplishing all of the following results: 1) almost eliminating anxious thoughts; 2) the same for active depressive thoughts; 3) greatly reducing ADHD symptoms; 4) the same for OCD symptoms (I can't always tell the difference between the last two); and 5) helping me sleep.I'm feeling sorry to here this.
What if you mentioned these all with your doctor who prescribed you your meds? He might help you by slowly changing them in order you should feel batter and motivated.
Waiting list for a diagnosis. They were all booked out for 12 months.On which waiting list did you go on?
That part comes after diagnosis. I'm pure ASD with no commorbities. No medication and no therapy.My point of getting diagnosed is to know what I need to work on and what kind of theropy I need, did that lady's gave you these all information?
I got already the email with a whole list of information, included a a nice amount of clinics and physicians in my area who are diagnosing marked by almost every one if they are taking insurance or not, along with their contact information. I think I'll give a shot with Mount Sinai hospital.I found this helpful site, Autism Speaks
I spoke with they, they'll find me who can give me a good diagnosis in my area and takes my insurance, then will i go back to them to see what kind of services it's out there.
They told me a diagnosis can take 3 hours or more, and sometimes can it be split into a few days.
Rn I'm waiting for an email, supposed to come in the next 48 hours with all these information.