Both myself and my girlfriend have Asperger's.
I collect $1495.00 per month SSDI.
She collects $1,200 per month SSDI.
This is a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment, in Fayetteville Arkansas.
This apartment belongs to me and my girlfriend.
Our rent is $575.00 per month for this.
This is the Honda Africa Twin, DCT Automatic Transmission, 998cc adventure sports motorcycle.
Her and I both have one, both red, same package, brand new.
Here in Arkansas, we drive it with no license.
Nobody stops us, never been pulled over.
With a top speed of 190 mph, we have no problem using the highways.
So exactly what would we want a job for, when we're treated like garbage on jobs, when we don't need jobs?
To prove something that we don't need to prove, that we won't be allowed to prove, and that would infact really hurt us by proving?
Nobody is going to be proud of us for us..
We'll just end homeless is all that will happen.
So shouldn't we enjoy SSDI disability retirement?
I collect $1495.00 per month SSDI.
She collects $1,200 per month SSDI.
This is a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment, in Fayetteville Arkansas.
This apartment belongs to me and my girlfriend.
Our rent is $575.00 per month for this.
This is the Honda Africa Twin, DCT Automatic Transmission, 998cc adventure sports motorcycle.
Her and I both have one, both red, same package, brand new.
Here in Arkansas, we drive it with no license.
Nobody stops us, never been pulled over.
With a top speed of 190 mph, we have no problem using the highways.
So exactly what would we want a job for, when we're treated like garbage on jobs, when we don't need jobs?
To prove something that we don't need to prove, that we won't be allowed to prove, and that would infact really hurt us by proving?
Nobody is going to be proud of us for us..
We'll just end homeless is all that will happen.
So shouldn't we enjoy SSDI disability retirement?