King_Oni's comments have brought to light yet another cultural difference between Aspies & the NT majority society (again: not every single Aspie & not every single NT):
We tend to not abhor a vacuum: when we don't understand why some phenomenon is occurring, we'll investigate, do some research, ask people who are likely to know (like on science forums etc.) or simply admit that we just don't know why or what something is.
The masses in the NT world tend to do what they did back when they were cave-dwellers: MAKE SOMETHING UP!! They mythologize. Think about early (as late as the 60s) theories about the causes of Autism: it had to do with maternal frigidity! Kids are Autistic because their mothers (NEVER their fathers) weren't sufficiently loving. What research was there to support this 'scientific' claim? NONE. The same goes with the cockamamie vaccination theory & the dietary theory. While nutritional improvements & detecting food allergies is good for all people & results in health benefits, it won't 'cure' Autism!
When a person's behaviours cause them to be annoyed, baffled or even mildly inconvenienced & they can't understand or perceive the reasons behind them, they resort to victim blaming! The person did it on purpose. The person 'wants attention'., fellow Asperians, let's apply LOGIC. NT culture is highly pro-social. therefore, wanting the attention of others & wanting to pay attention to others is essential. One cannot socialize entirely alone!!!
So, what is wrong with wanting or needing attention? The problem isn't wanting attention: we've proven that it makes no sense. The problem is the way in which some Aspies might go about socializing: not dressing or looking like they 'belong' (being out of NT uniform). Being too close, too far, too loud, too soft, staring too much, not making eye contact, wanting to discuss their interests that the NT mightn't share... Another one is similar to a language difference: the Aspie might have a melt down, or he might stim. The NT sees these behaviours & misreads them as a tantrum.
A melt-down isn't the same as a tantrum: a tantrum is motivated by stubbornness & defiance & often the intention of embarrassing a parent into giving in: "I WANNA CANDYYY!!! MOOOMMMYYY!!! WAAAAHHH!!!
A melt-down is an expression of being extremely overwhelmed & possibly over-stimulated <---it can be comparable at times, to a panic attack. Melt-downs do not occur 'on purpose' to get attention any more than panic attacks do. Both are extremely unpleasant for the person in the throes of one & the wrong kind of attention can exacerbate them.
Further complicating matters is the fact that many mental disorders & psychiatric conditions can affect Aspies just as they do NTs. Differentiating between what is Asperger's & what may be early signs of Schizophrenia isn't easy. Discerning between Asperger's & what is Histrionic or Borderline Personality Disorder behaviour is tough. Little research has been done & doing research on Aspies is hard since we tend to be obscure! Also finding enough of us with similar symptoms who are willing to participate in studies must be nearly impossible.
Being self-destructive can be co-morbid with Asperger's due to the frustration, depression & sense of being a reject some Aspies experience. Constant unpleasant & distressing experiences take their toll & some resort to substance abuse & other self-destructive behaviours like cutting. This can be a cry for help, an expression of self-hatred, a way to numb or physicalize emotional pain or many other things: it's complicated. NT culture has a way of over-generalizing & over-simplifying. Asperian culture is DETAIL ORIENTED & highly specialized. We see very subtle nuances & differences. Helping NTs see what we do might help them understand where their oversimplifications & mythologizing is problematic.
So many Aspies are seeing their lives crumbling around them: many are floundering between adulthood & adolescence with a foot in each. So many are isolated & long for friends: others are socially inundated & crave solitude. We aren't doing this 'on purpose' any more than a foreigner new to a country is 'not fitting in' on purpose: he is being himself & doing his best: he's just DIFFERENT. One of the most harmful NT cultural myths: DIFFERENT IS BAD. They are suffering from a false belief so try to be patient with them. Eventually, we'll be in a position to better educate them about us.