Many scientist are actually religious.
Here is the answer to this statement.
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Scientists and Belief
In general the less people have the more they turn to religion. The more your life is filled with other things the less religious you are. So if everyone started having a decent standard of living and filled their lives with activities they would let go of religion more and more.
But.... A vast majority of the population of the earth has a hard time gaining meaningful employment or doing their own business due to mostly mental functions (depression, anxiety, intelligence). It is postulated in the intellectual scientific community that those less capable might need religion as a guideline for life. Now take these same people and place them in a poor environment, which is still MOST of the world, and it only lowers their ability. On top of that the ones who do climb to the top tend on separating themselves by socioeconomic tribes from those less fortunate and tend to have less empathy for them. Which then leans on it being harder for those less fortunate to succeed.
In 1st world countries atheism is growing due to the standard if living being good. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions though. But if you note in most of the countries it impacts are also very poor and the people suffering.
So if you are poor, can't get out of being poor due to the power of others, and don't have the capacity to get out of being poor where do you turn for hope? Religion. The promise of being a good person in this horrible life will gain you a reward in the end when you die. But what happens to those people if you strip this away from them? What do they do? Do they turn on society like a revolution?
The above is a grouping of my studies. It is conjecture. The one absolute piece of data there is how many people have a mental disorder that hampers them and the intelligence of humans in general.
20% officially and 30% unofficial have some form of debilitating mental disorder.
Source (1 in 5)
NIMH » Mental Illness
30% comes from sources I have in the field of psychology. They think the remaining 10% are un-diagnosed, refuse treatment, or in denial.
~75% of humans don't have enough intelligence to do something really well to give them a chance to be well off. You need roughly a 110 I.Q. to do a trade fairly well that can earn you a decent income.
10% of all humans are of so low intelligence they can't do anything that isn't counter productive (Army study from WW1)
Interestingly the social-economic constructs in the USA directly math up with a -3 to +3% difference in intelligence. It is the main driver of success.
I know I am going slightly off topic but I was on a roll.