Well-Known Member
Admittedly, I have a huge man-crush on brad Pitt but that might be a result of the amount of people that compare me to him physically. But Angelina Jolie is the furthest thing from attractive to me. As a 22 yr old guy, I genrally look for girls from the ages of 18-24. I have a strong aversion to anything but brunettes in terms of hair color and that usually what I notice first. After that I notice the eyes. I usually prefer brown eyes as well. But if your eyes have a unique color to them: ie, multiple colors... I prefer that. I like women that are around my height and not too petite. Id say in a perfect world her height and weight would be 5'8, 5'9 and anywhere from 135-155. I do prefer thicker girls. I prefer them to be brutally honest much like myself. Compassion, passion, above social influences and norms, individuality, strong sense of self, social awareness/intelligence but apathetic to anything she doesn't agree with. Those are things that'll have me head over heels. I know it's specific and eccentric but Ill search for "her" for perpetually.
I hope this doesn't take us too far off topic, but I feel compelled to answer this

Brad Pitt? Don't get it. I don't really have a man-crush on anybody, but the first guy that came to mind is Daniel Craig. Weird subject, but weirdness is cool here so what the hell.
If that's your picture as your avatar, I don't see any resemblance there. You're built like a wrestler. You remind me of my oldest son who was a wrestler in school. Makes me wish I had a picture of him to put up.
It's interesting to me, and this is probably a generational thing, how you described a "thicker" girl. 5'8" and 145 didn't seem thick to me at all. It seemed normal. Since I'm just that way, I had to find out just what is currently 'normal' since our views differ. Turns out that the average U.S. woman is about 5'3 1/2 and weighs 166 lbs. To me, that would qualify as a "thicker" girl. Your perception of average seems to be much thinner than the actual average woman. At the same height/ weight ratio a girl that's 5'8" would weigh something like 170, if I'm guessing right. What you consider to be thick is actually much smaller than what, proportionately, would be normal.
If your preferences are roughly average for a man your age, young men today consider the average girl to be considerably thinner than what is average. That's interesting. For that matter, now that I think of it, I'm very surprised at the actual average size of a woman over 20. I'm getting my numbers from the CDC so they're probably accurate. When I was your age, my peers and I would have considered what was average at the time to be normal.
After all this rambling, what I really wonder is whether expectations are higher now than they were 30 years ago or is it that our expectations are the same but the average woman is now considerably heavier?
As a point of reference, when I was still active duty in the Air Force I was put on the official weight loss program because I exceeded 176 lbs at a height of 5'8". This happened in 1996. What was considered overweight for a man 17 years ago is now below average for a woman. Just something to ponder.
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