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Aspies and Art

I like art of all kinds, however I have no artistic talent of any kind. So I'm just a fan and envious of the talented people.
There is so much you can consider art. I love to write (I am actually working on two novels at the moment), so of course I am going to say poetry and other literature. I also love to paint (oil and watercolor), draw/sketch (pencil/charcoal/pastel), and do photography. I admire animation (which explains why I watch so much cartoons) and comic art.

Music is another art form that I love. I enjoy singing and plan on teaching myself how to play the guitar and piano soon. Dance is another type of art. Theatre/acting, as well. I used to want to be a professional actress, but had a change of heart.
I have no artistic talent at all, but I appreciate several forms of art. Literature, music and dance are my favorites. I've been a reader since before kindergarten, and a writer since probably third grade. I have technical writing in my blood, though I have lost my edge in recent years, and my creativity plummeted after I began taking SSRIs for depression (it had to be done). I learned to play guitar in my teens, but I wasn't very good. I love to sing, but I can't carry a tune in a bucket. I wrote songs, but they were mediocre. I used to perform Middle Eastern dance (a.k.a. belly dance) when I was in my 30s, but (once again) I wasn't very good at it. I looked good in the costumes though! Does that count? ;)
I've dabbled in many artistic things through the years. Back in high school and a few years after I used to draw a lot, usually for my own pleasure but in the military I did a lot of tattoos for people, and I have one of my own dragons on my rib. I also played E flat and B flat clarinet, and tenor sax (and I was good at all of them, first chair). Years later I picked up bass guitar and taught myself how to play. I've done etchings on acrylic, I was once an avid reader, I was into body piercings for a while (doing them, I'm also a collector of piercings and tattoos). I believe I'm also a pretty good singer, but nobody will ever hear it :) I was told by a literature professor that I could be a writer if I put my mind to it. That was years ago, I doubt it now. I've also designed and built many custom computer cases for myself and others. I even had interest in interior design once... I've played around with graphic design and practice what I call "impromptu cooking."
Art is a touchy subject with me.

I've been a drawer of pictures as long as I can remember. Took to playing various stringed instruments in grade school, played in school orchestras and some bands. Still have a mandolin and fiddle.

Went through many stages of trying to be an artist of some sort or other. Tried sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, photography, furniture design. Sold some pieces, but neither enough nor often enough to offset the investment of time and expenses.

Was always too practically minded though, and never felt that I really had anything important to say, or new ground to break to take myself seriously. I enjoy a certain aesthetic quality to things, something I've never been able to articulate, whether in words or in something more concrete or visual, but that is what I've striven to get across in my creative endeavors.

Perfectionism has trapped a lot of expression in a cage of frustration. As I mature, maybe I'll find a way to be more free. I know I'll keep trying. Even daily cooking and baking are ways to express something, if you care to think about it enough.

For the past 10-15 years now,my jobs have been my creative outlet, while it is not artistic work in the aesthetic sense, the creative demands are considerable, and the end results could be considered kinetic sculpture.

I really enjoy writing out my thoughts, and appreciate the opportunity to share them on forums like this. It ain't art, but at this time, I find it fulfilling and valuable in a way that other approaches at self expression haven't been.
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What is art? Hmm... I don't know. I know it when I see it. Helpful, huh?

I've always enjoyed art, but it wasn't until I started learning about photography that I was really able to express it because my fine motor skills are pretty severely lacking. I can't draw a straight line, much less anything fancier. Not that this has stopped me from trying--and failing--repeatedly. I like to draw. It just looks like a preschooler did it. I got my first camera at 5, but it was so awful that my photographer dad couldn't get a good shot on it. I was around 8 when I got my hands on a decent camera and started learning how to use it.

Art is very important to me. I love to create it with photography, but I also love enjoying work by others. I'm a huge music fan and like a wide variety of styles. Basically, I can appreciate *good* music, no matter what I think of the genre. I like beauty, so I often enjoy photography, paintings, sketches, etc. I can spend hours in an art museum, if left alone. I hate it when I'm supposed to analyze or learn from it because that takes the fun out of it. (Taking an introduction to art class in college was pure torture. I hated analyzing everything because then I didn't get to just focus on enjoying what was in front of me.)

Art is calming for me, especially music. Art is a form of communication. In some ways, it's an obsession. It keeps me learning and excited about the world.

I would *love* to try oil painting, but I can't justify the cost of the paint and canvas, knowing that the result will be less than attractive. It would be insanely fun to do, but I don't have much hope of it looking any better than my sketches. :P (Seriously, I can NOT draw. I'm sooooo bad that it's actually funny.) I also wish I had the funds to travel the world and photograph things that I can only dream of seeing. Maybe someday.
Hi there

I have never been able to draw or sing or play anything; but to be fair on me, that is because I have not much of a chance. I can sing when I do not feel put on the spot.

My artistic talent comes in the shape of cross stitching and just to boast and things, my pictures do not look like cross stitching from far away and I have had to get people looking closer to see that actually, they are not looking at a painting! Here is a very small one I did for a friend, recently:


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I am actually a fine arts major at my college. I have always loved to draw and paint. I've fiddled with clay now and again. Subtractive drawings are my forte (however, it is very, very messy. All that charcoal and it doesn't come off...ever! XD) I prefer the old masters like Da Vinci and Michelangelo. I really like my art to be realistic in appearance (abstract and mixed media kind of turn me off.) I want to be a graphic and fantasy artist. I do my best art when I'm content. Elsewise, I end up getting frustrated and start threatening my sketch pad with a box of matches. That doesn't usually help, but it's worth a try.
I also write poetry and have been published in several traditional books and audio books. I'm also working on a Lucius Malfoy fan fic that involves a bogart and very hideous pink bows. Such a story surely exposes just how twisted and sadistic I truly am. I've hit a snag at the moment, but the wrinkle is ironing itself out slowly but surely (curse you, writer's block!) Writing helps me express my humor or more negative emotions.
Dancing helps me express my energetic side. I love to tango, cha-cha, merengue, and salsa. Waltz is fun; and swing can be enjoyable. Much to my surprise, polka is kinda fun if you're feeling a bit silly and hyper. I also love listening to 80's rock music (Eagles, AC/DC, etc.) and movie music.
It's nice to be able to talk to other Aspie artists.
Hi there

I have never been able to draw or sing or play anything; but to be fair on me, that is because I have not much of a chance. I can sing when I do not feel put on the spot.

My artistic talent comes in the shape of cross stitching and just to boast and things, my pictures do not look like cross stitching from far away and I have had to get people looking closer to see that actually, they are not looking at a painting! Here is a very small one I did for a friend, recently:

Lucky you. I can't do cross stitching to save my life. My grandmother and great aunts tried to teach me, but I could never get the hang of it. That one you posted is beautiful. :D
Art in one form or another has always been a part of my life. I was talked out of pursuing a career in commercial art, and yet at once brief point in my life I was living that dream.

Funny to look back and realize had I done otherwise, I would probably have had nothing to lose.

I remember consciously deciding that I wouldn't be the romantic "starving artist" and shied away from the arts, took only two English classes in college, and focused on business because it would be "stable."

Joke's on me. Hah. But now I'm starting a deep dive into poetry and prosody, learning the basics of meter and rhythm, and writing better is only a matter of time.
I think that anything that appeals aesthetically or communicates a beautiful Idea is art. Then again, some of the greatest paintings and collections of literature convey horrific ideas that can be beautiful in their honesty.

I think art is one of the only reasons for living. This world is violent and cruel and ever-changing, but recognising the glimpses of beauty in the form of light playing off of the leaves of a tree or a well written novel remind us that there is beauty as well as suffering all around us. In even the most disturbing scenes there is always a hint of beauty. Even in the morgue, stained with death and heavy silence, the human body retains its still beauty and light still reflects off of the rims of steel lamps.

Art is the human description of this hidden but everyday beauty. The best art communicates the pure IDEA of the subject rather than its pure physical being. When you get right down to it, all we are seeing is our idea of the world around us, our PERCEPTION of reality, and as all of our perceptions are different, we often see beauty in different places. Through the use of well chosen words or colour pallets, though, we can convey this beauty to others who did not before see it and see the beauty others have witnessed.

I rant.

To the other questions, I have been told I am overtly artistically expressive, to the point where I have to monitor myself. If I ever get into a deep conversation at school, I sound like I am reading poetry. I love writing libretto (opera is probably one of my favourite art forms, as it is one of the few that I can recognise the emotion in), free styling poetry in rap or sonnet formats, writing novels, drawing, painting, and smelling everything around me. I know this might sound weird to others, but good smells can be just as inspiring as good paintings in my opinion. Sometimes, at the ranch, I can just stand there and smell the earth and the wildflowers, and the cow pats, and the cedar and be happy. Smells can be just as complex as the script to a Shakespearian, and convey just as much depth and meaning. I guess perfumery can be seen as an artform in this way, and gardening can be seen as both a physical and nasal expression of beauty.
Photography is considered a form of Art. So I thought I'd share this. I've taken this picture in a local Birds park around in Derby (I think?) where it was a really sunny day at the time. Out of all photographs I've taken there this one is my favourite. I really light the shining light at the background, and how everything in front of the Sun has a shadow-y effect to them.

I want to crawl inside this photograph with a good book and curl up under a tree for the next three years or so..wait, I'll need more books. I swear I can smell the leaves. This is so beautiful.
Hi everyone! I am curious as to how my Aspie brothers and sisters connect artistically. I would love to know some of the following items, but feel very free to express yourself as you wish to discuss how art functions in your lives. I will answer the questions for myself at the end of this post!

What do you call "art"? What kinds of art interest you?
Were you artistically expressive as a child in any way(s)?
What role do any of these art forms play in your life today?
How has artistic expression helped to shape your identity?
Do you prefer to create art (write, paint, dance, sing, etc.) or do you prefer to enjoy art produced by others?
If you had the ability, what kind(s) of art would you pursue, given plenty of time, resources and energy, even if it is not likely to happen in this lifetime?

For me, I like to think of many things as art. Of course the formal categories come to mind, and of them I prefer the written word. I love to write poetry, but I'd also like to begin writing books in my field (church and theology). I appreciate painting and other visual art, but it's not a major interest. I love music, but I am very picky--1990s alternative rock is my genre of choice! Music for me must have great lyrics to enjoy.

I was not remotely artistically expressive as a child. But I am color blind so that limited my options in art class, lol.

I write poetry to my wife, and she loves it. I also write new lyrics to existing music for church sometimes. I encourage a full spectrum of artistic expression in church where I am pastor, although few take up the offer.

Music has shaped my identity more than anything, and I connect very deeply with it. Songs get stuck in my head all of the time, for both better and worse! I am very much who I am due to the music I have encountered in life.

I prefer to create art rather than simply enjoy it when it comes to writing, although I love to read nonfiction. If I could play guitar then I would probably have no other hobby than writing songs. Alas, I am too clumsy to play guitar! I was really good with the recorder in 4th grade, but I never got into music and now at 28 I don't have the time or money to invest in learning to play music. But secretly I would love to learn to play something!!
I call art anything to which you have applied your mind and imagination or sense of logic and made it something different and unique. I don't care if it's drawing, writing, painting, photography, singing, dancing, I don't care if you glue beads to driftwood or make sculptures out of chicken wings and dumpster leavings. My mother would draw, paint, sculpt, make wreaths, T-shirts, she became obsessed with magnets and painted and designed thousands. She decorated her kitchen with birdhouses she built and painted to look like barns, schools, churches, apartment buildings. I used to draw, but I don't really have the hand eye coordination and spatial recognition to do so. I love to paint, but I call it free style, because I don't use brushes (coordination issues). I was good at acting, mimicry is second nature to me. I won contests and awards for writing and poetry. The oddest thing is, my mother was so determined to make me be a 'Lady" (Southern family, there is apparently a gigantic need for these poor stifled women, who never seem to do much or experience anything of note, since in my experience, 'a Lady never..' ) that she subscribed to 6 different women's and teen magazines in my name. I'll read anything, and I have an awesome memory. As a result, I can now give anyone 7 different types of smoky eye makeup. Honestly, it's the dumbest skill set ever, but I can give hair and makeup makeovers like you wouldn't believe. Any skin tone or type, hair color or texture, ethnicity, whatever. I got obsessed at 14, my mom was so excited she bought any type of make up or hair product I mentioned. It helped me get associations with other girls, after I walked into a bathroom at school and found a girl crying. She said someone had called her ugly. I pulled my random bag of cosmetics out of my backpack and gave her a make over on the spot. I think it's also a form of art. You find the right colors and you blend and blend and you make people beautiful on the outside. I used to get invited to parties and sleepovers just so I could do make up. Don't get me wrong, I was never popular, I was always the weird chick, but I tried to learn about other girls, it was a great way to perfect mimcry. Personally, I've learned that the whole make up thing helps me to blend in, when I wear it people respond better to me, I don't get as many weird looks, but I intend to continue with my crafting and I want to get back into painting.
Art has always had a big part in my life, though I specifically choose not to try and make it my profession (Good choice as I am not that good at it, and needed a more social career to keep my mental balance).

It takes many forms but mostly I persue it as a hobby. I have tried many mediums, particularly painting, but have settled in miniatures sculpting and mock-ups as the one form I enjoy most. I still get to use painting with that though.

Art for me, is mostly what is pleasing to the eye and which generates interesting thoughts.
What do you call "art"?
Any artifact or effort that exhibits an equal appreciation for aesthetics and functionality. Nothing can be added, and nothing can be taken away.

Functionality includes the expression of, or elicitation of, emotional response or mental engagement by the viewer. The best art is always "completed" by the viewer--whose reaction is either contemplation or conversation with the piece.

What kinds of art interest you?
I loved to draw until I noticed I was getting better much faster at photography and faster yet at writing. I've always loved the sensuous pleasures of oil painting. I still prefer looking at oil paintings; I tend to enjoy and engage with them, and merely appreciate most fine photography.

Were you artistically expressive as a child in any way(s)?
I painted and wrote poetry.

What role do any of these art forms play in your life today?
Art spurs me to look at the "same old things" with a different focus.

How has artistic expression helped to shape your identity?
My artistic expression is a part of my identity.

Do you prefer to create art (write, paint, dance, sing, etc.) or do you prefer to enjoy art produced by others?

If you had the ability, what kind(s) of art would you pursue, given plenty of time, resources and energy, even if it is not likely to happen in this lifetime?
Oil painting, playwriting, and poetry.
What do I call "art"? an artifice or natural creation which is pleasing/edifying to the senses and psychology/cognition. the best of the bunch makes me think anew.
What kinds of art interest me?
photorealism is #1 in my book. also am intrigued by aural art.
Was I artistically expressive as a child in any way(s)?
not really, I never had any major artistic talents. I always tinkered 'round the edges of it.

What role do any of these art forms play in my life today?
I see "art" in my avocation of digital audio restoration, in that it takes an artistic sensibility to do a proper job in this field.
How has artistic expression helped to shape my identity?
it showed me that I also can be a part of the restoration movement [of art].
Do I prefer to create art (write, paint, dance, sing, etc.) or do I prefer to enjoy art produced by others?
both. I like restoring my own corrupted audio recordings, as well as hearing the [restorative] work of others.
If I had the ability, what kind(s) of art would I pursue, given plenty of time, resources and energy, even if it is not likely to happen in this lifetime?
opening a definitive audio restoration facility, treating audio, video, film and print materials.
Lucky you. I can't do cross stitching to save my life. My grandmother and great aunts tried to teach me, but I could never get the hang of it. That one you posted is beautiful. :D

Sorry for not commenting before, but only just seen your sweet comment to my little picture. Just once again to show off, this one is my masterpiece lol and taken pride of place in my kitchen. Did this one, whoa about 10 years ago.

I admit, I astonish myself lol


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What do you call "art"?

Any kind of creative expression.

What kinds of art interest you?

Too many to list, but when I was a teenager, I was really into the Hudson River School (for the detail) and John Singer Sargent (for the brushstrokes). I expanded from there.

Also music.

I like poetry, especially fourteeners.

Were you artistically expressive as a child in any way(s)?

From about 13-16 my main pastime was painting and drawing. I got most of a 2-year college degree with a focus on art.

What role do any of these art forms play in your life today?

Just appreciation, due to hand injuries.

How has artistic expression helped to shape your identity?

It has been a main focus of my life.

Do you prefer to create art (write, paint, dance, sing, etc.) or do you prefer to enjoy art produced by others?

I prefer to create music, but can't any more because of the injuries.

If you had the ability, what kind(s) of art would you pursue, given plenty of time, resources and energy, even if it is not likely to happen in this lifetime?

If I could play again, it would be the Baroque lute.

Maybe a bit of theorbo as well...

If my hands heal, I could see myself taking up painting again someday. I don't know if I will ever be able to play music again, but maybe...
Any kind of creative expression.

Too many to list, but when I was a teenager, I was really into the Hudson River School (for the detail) and John Singer Sargent (for the brushstrokes). I expanded from there.

Also music.

I like poetry, especially fourteeners.

From about 13-16 my main pastime was painting and drawing. I got most of a 2-year college degree with a focus on art.

Just appreciation, due to hand injuries.

It has been a main focus of my life.

I prefer to create music, but can't any more because of the injuries.

If I could play again, it would be the Baroque lute.

Maybe a bit of theorbo as well...

If my hands heal, I could see myself taking up painting again someday. I don't know if I will ever be able to play music again, but maybe...

I don't know if this is helpful as you didn't include guitar, but this is a tool to help people play the guitar. It might make a difference for someone with dexterity or hand injury issues. It may not be applicable or useful for you at all but I wanted to bring it to your attention just in case. :) ChordBuddy Guitar Learning System

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