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Aspies more prone to sleeping disorders ?

I have super bad insomnia. But I've always been a night owl so that doesn't help. :p
Me too, I've just accepted it but when someone tries to arrange a day out on a certain day, I'm usually worried will i have slept the night before? will i be really tired and in a bad mood on that day, so i usually reply, "ill let you know nearer the time", then i worry they think I'm not intrested in meeting when i am. Whenever I've had a job interview or am travelling by plane somewhere, you can gaurentee i won't get any sleep the night before, leaving me frazzled and stressed the next day, I like to save the precious few sleeping meds i get to take in case i have something important to do the next day.

This has been a big cause of disruption for me, I've learned to accept it and just sleep whenever I'm tired but other people have a problem with it but they just don't understand.
Can't get to sleep, trouble waking up a lot of the time. Initial insomnia was the Drs name for it, over-thinking about things really, since childhood
Can't get to sleep, trouble waking up a lot of the time. Initial insomnia was the Drs name for it, over-thinking about things really, since childhood
Me too, Ive gone through that, thinking about mistakes ect, I just accept it now,its the only way and just read something or watch a film or something on You Tube.

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