Just.. WEIRD!
I'll send you a pm.
Hey, old chap, is there any chance I might be included here? I've had an interest in Astral Projection since my teens and have read a number of books, including Monroe, though periods of practicing his techniques have ultimately yielded only disappointment.. I've not heard of, or possibly don't remember the 'K' technique though.
I have had several inadvertent out-of-body experiences whilst meditating, but the surprise always shocks me back and awake and unable to recover the mindset I was in. I've also become lucid during dreams and been shocked back at the sight of myself.. I don't consider myself bad looking in general, but from that perspective..

I have often reached a point, usually as I start to fall asleep naturally, where I hear a jangling noise and my body vibrates, described by Monroe I think, I try to become gently aware without waking too much but am never able to proceed further.
This is something I've wanted to achieve and explore for a long time.. I don't give myself a hard time over it, though I do find that information tends to come up, perhaps when I'm ready to try again?