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Austism/Aspergers - Inner World/Universe...

Yeah, to a degree. I can't quite explain it. It's not as though I live in a fantasy world within my head, but I don't feel as though I'm entirely part of the world in which I dwell. Yeah, it sounds weird. The world within my head makes more sense than the world outside.

I see what you mean, and I agree.
Yeah, to a degree. I can't quite explain it. It's not as though I live in a fantasy world within my head, but I don't feel as though I'm entirely part of the world in which I dwell. Yeah, it sounds weird. The world within my head makes more sense than the world outside.
This is almost exactly what I was going to say.

I'm actually trying to write a song about this - Well, I have been trying to for quite some time and never quite been able to get it to a point where I'm happy with it - I think I got the initial idea long ago, maybe about 5 or 6 years ago, but thought maybe it would be perceived as a bit too weird and perhaps it was a bit too personal for me to ever be comfortable with people hearing it, but I resurrected the idea last week.
Yes, I have always felt that I have an inner world or worlds. "There's friends in there and I'm thinking about them", but the friends aren't people, they're ideas, and the ideas aren't words, they're more images, and the images aren't all cut and pasted from the outer world, though some of them are. Maybe this is why I was diagnosed with synesthesia. Also maybe why abstracts feel more vital to me than figurative works. Good question but hard for me to describe, inspires me to paint.
Today I see my mind as a piece of paper with randomly appearing words and symbols. The piece of paper that can be easily stripped away.
Yes, I have always felt that I have an inner world or worlds. "There's friends in there and I'm thinking about them", but the friends aren't people, they're ideas, and the ideas aren't words, they're more images, and the images aren't all cut and pasted from the outer world, though some of them are. Maybe this is why I was diagnosed with synesthesia. Also maybe why abstracts feel more vital to me than figurative works. Good question but hard for me to describe, inspires me to paint.

Yes when I was younger I used to play out whole stories in my head kings wars etcetera...they were like movies in my head. I need to work on books more it is the one thing I'm really suited to. How are you doing Kestrel? may I ask what state you live in? I'm in Oregon
Yes when I was younger I used to play out whole stories in my head kings wars etcetera...they were like movies in my head. I need to work on books more it is the one thing I'm really suited to. How are you doing Kestrel? may I ask what state you live in? I'm in Oregon
I'm fine - alternately super creative and at other times in a dark pit of monsters. Luckily, I'm used to it. ;) And it's part of the painting/authenticity which I have to honor. I live in sw Montana.
Hooe are you doing well Maelstrom.
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I'm fine - alternately super creative and at other times in a dark pit of monsters. Luckily, I'm used to it. ;) And it's part of the painting/authenticity which I have to honor. I live in sw Montana.
Hooe are you doing well Maelstrom.

I'm doing fairly well despite all the chaos, I'm not overly fond of dodging city traffic hauling Pop into the hospital. I sort of get where you're coming from, I have days where I sort of crash, and it's hard to feel sunny when you're feeling rotten. I get that dread thing too... I really don't understand if it is a auti anxiety attack thing or just harasment by the dark prince...I don't know what do you think on that. SW Montana that's like GODs country for country boys. I have backpacked up there NW of Yellow stone a very nice place to live. :) Not too horibly far from me.
The traffic combined with caring for your dad sounds tough, and tiring. I over-stated that darkness some, plenty of days where all is well and steady. I have a rich inner life. :) On the dark parts of life? Well some is neurological for sure. I was raised Catholic so .... I do have some deep rooted beliefs about Dark and Light so to speak.
I moved here because it's staggeringly beautiful. Planning on some exploring, day hikes, etc. Oregon's also a gorgeous place.
[QUOTE="kestrel, I have a rich inner life. :) I moved here because it's staggeringly beautiful. Planning on some exploring, day hikes, etc. Oregon's also a gorgeous place.[/QUOTE]

Yes I have a rich enough inner life to clog my arteries and kill me, just need to learn how to sell it better. Yeah! I'll bet it's a hiking paradice where you live, wish I was there, i'm stuck out in this sage brush with no mountains and hardly enough water to float my sailboato_O. I need to move. Catholic..Hmm.. you know my people make yours as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof..:D I should apologize for some of them our prophet Ellen White said to show respect to the Catholics. And I don't read revelation the same as them.. they miss a couple of words. I think we may not even recognize things as they will change so much by that time... Sorry Mael wanders into the weeds sometimes, I have too many interests, need a wife to smack me into line once in a while.:D
Yeah I guess I do that's why I like to draw sometimes,I once had a report card from school saying that I daydream too much,I still got that habit now.
at one point i had a town... literally, a small town. the number of people fluctuated but i'm going to say it got up to about 100. it was one of those towns you see in paintings or on puzzles.. surrounded by mountains, very simple, minimal roads and such... had a slew of laws and rules and regulations that was always changing based on what happened that would break, negate or avert them all together. as scenarios came to my mind (some actually happened.. many did not but were offshoots of something that could have happened or were a possibility given certain circumstances) the rules were altered....... which is why it needed so many people of all different ages/genders/nationalities/sexual preferences/ect, the scenarios varied greatly restricted only by what i could imagine as a reasonable possibility. i can't say the town itself still exists but the scenarios still exist and are added to (often daily) and the rules are still around

basically, it was the way i created everything that governed my life from then till now i believe.
Just out of curiosity, do you feel sometimes that you have an inner world/universe inside your mind?

If so, could you describe it in any way?

AGX, sure, I have described several aspects in several threads in the past few days since I been at this site. If you can track down some of these old posts they may add clarity or confuse you more.

This is how I see it.
The mind is NOT a binary computational system that is about 0 or 1s, black/ white, good bad, follow?

The mind is an biological quantum computer that determines optimum results with minimum data input, based on several things including, experience, perspective, critical reasoning skills, focus, will power and timing to name a few. Think, a risk/ reward calculator.
I can describe within my poor writing skills but others do it so much better.
The point is, I think there is a system, an algorithm that can be applied to .... Hit the reset.... To start a new path. The doing is easy as pie, the explanation is in the understanding of the deeper esoteric realm of quantum mechanics with or perhaps MBrane theory. Which is by no means writ in stone and a bone of contention. Let me know if you want to continue on this path.
ps, I noticed that Harrison posted above, so will mention that he and I are almost exactly on the same page, when it comes to this idea. I intuit it and applied it for years and Harrison knows what he is talking about and is facile with words, a teacher. I'm simply a practitioner.
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I have always had rich inner worlds. Funny enough, I rarely gave names to them or the denizens. They just were.

I have imagined alien ecologies, fictional societies and political systems, magic systems, detailed action sequences, and grand mythologies. I still do this, but rarely write anything down or put real names to my ideas.

Recently I have been running a Numenera camping. Numenera is a tabletop RPG which takes place in a pseudo-medieval society built atop the ruins of incredibly advanced civilizations. The world is the brain child of Monte Cook, but I have added my own locales and embellishments. I have been focusing on the way station of Peduno. This is the last stop for pilgrims before entering the vast wilderness known as The Beyond. It resembles an old west main street with a bazaar running down the middle of it. It is something of a tourist town, religious site, and trading post.
The Cathedral of First Steps looms over the little town, constructed from local stone and the metal scaffolding of some ancient and ruined machine. Windows made of colored synth decorate the temple. To the uninitiated the images they depict are meaningless, but they are in fact diagrams of esoteric mathematical and scientific principles. Pilgims leave bits of salvaged technology at the altar in the hope that it will bring them luck on their journey. The Aon Priests do not abide by such superstition, being men of what we would call science, but they might call magic. Mind you, they don't discourage the practice. They revere the technologies of the ancients and welcome new artifacts to study. What they do not wish to keep they can sell to maintain their operations.
My favorite shop is Marchande's Mysterium. Specializing in mostly useless curiosities it is a total tourist trap that sells the mystique of The Beyond. Many so called "pilgrims" only make it as far as Peduno before turning back. An oddity from the Mysterium provides these travelers with souvenirs to take home and impress their friends, most of whom would never have ventured but a few miles from home. Indeed, such travelers would be quite worldly compared to their peers, but not nearly so worldly as they would have others believe.
I have always had rich inner worlds. Funny enough, I rarely gave names to them or the denizens. They just were.

I have imagined alien ecologies, fictional societies and political systems, magic systems, detailed action sequences, and grand mythologies. I still do this, but rarely write anything down or put real names to my ideas.

Recently I have been running a Numenera camping. Numenera is a tabletop RPG which takes place in a pseudo-medieval society built atop the ruins of incredibly advanced civilizations. The world is the brain child of Monte Cook, but I have added my own locales and embellishments. I have been focusing on the way station of Peduno. This is the last stop for pilgrims before entering the vast wilderness known as The Beyond. It resembles an old west main street with a bazaar running down the middle of it. It is something of a tourist town, religious site, and trading post.
The Cathedral of First Steps looms over the little town, constructed from local stone and the metal scaffolding of some ancient and ruined machine. Windows made of colored synth decorate the temple. To the uninitiated the images they depict are meaningless, but they are in fact diagrams of esoteric mathematical and scientific principles. Pilgims leave bits of salvaged technology at the altar in the hope that it will bring them luck on their journey. The Aon Priests do not abide by such superstition, being men of what we would call science, but they might call magic. Mind you, they don't discourage the practice. They revere the technologies of the ancients and welcome new artifacts to study. What they do not wish to keep they can sell to maintain their operations.
My favorite shop is Marchande's Mysterium. Specializing in mostly useless curiosities it is a total tourist trap that sells the mystique of The Beyond. Many so called "pilgrims" only make it as far as Peduno before turning back. An oddity from the Mysterium provides these travelers with souvenirs to take home and impress their friends, most of whom would never have ventured but a few miles from home. Indeed, such travelers would be quite worldly compared to their peers, but not nearly so worldly as they would have others believe.

Sounds Like a really fun game wish I had more time to try it..sooo many things to do this summer.Sigh!

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