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Autism, age and lonelyness

Hi everyone, I've been off this website for a bit but will catch up especially on this thread in the next few days. Wishing everyone peace and relaxation.
I have schizophrenia as well and so have a slightly atypical aspergers.
I love to socialise I'm just not very good at it and I've always had a great need for close friends. I'm 39 and married to an aspie. Neither of is knew we had autism when we met.

I would love to give anyone who wants it the advice to see if you can find love with another autistic. It is amazing and the first man I don't feel threatened by

I agree that dating another Aspie is amazing. :D

Yes we do sometimes have a misunderstanding and a couple of fights but I always came back because I've gotten emotionally attached to her and plus we have a lot in common. She's different than girl I've ever dated and I love it :)

... I'd advice any Aspie to have a look into dating another Aspie or Autie because my girlfriend is my soul mate :D
As one who didn't know he was aspie when he married a (very) neurotypical woman, I'd advise caution when considering a NT partner. It's been rough for both of us, and we are not very close at this time. Is this the thing that often happens to couples as they age, or is it an NT-aspie mismatch? Many of our recurring issues definitely have to do with my AS. Couldn't see the future then, can't now imagine any of the infinite possible outcomes If I had chosen differently, but it sounds, and seems to me that aspie pairings have a better chance of working out.
Do we autistics get more lonelier as we get older? When I was younger I didn't care about being by myself, off in the Wilderness backpacking for a week. Or working out in a gym and doing my own thing. People asked me "what are you doing this Friday at 9pm?" I'd tell them "call me this Friday at 9pm." Few did except for some hard core night clubbers like my friend Gus.

As you age, do you get more lonelier?
I wasn't lonely when younger I actually had friends. I think my condition came out when I went to secondary school and had to be more open. I don't remember being affected by this condition when I was really young.

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