Well-Known Member
I don’t struggle when it comes to socializing but I find it pointless If it’s only for the sake of socializing. I’d rather have meaningful connections than being popular. Even when there’s seemingly nothing to gain (career or money related) people often choose to manipulate each other and it doesn’t make sense. No one will make me feel good about myself enough for me to disregard everything else I care about. Means don’t justify the ends. I’d hate using people even though I find it relatively easy, and I become a dangerous person when I’m being used. So I think I’m an introvert by choice. I understand people and why they do the things they do. I just don’t think it makes sense most of the time and I’m not interested in interacting with such people.
I care deeply about people who are on the same wavelength with me, but that’s hard to come by. When I find out I’ve been wrong about someone, it can be devastating. So I confront people when that happens. I want them to know how their actions affect other people. And hope that maybe they’ll be more considerate next time they get close to someone. I do that even when I feel horrible about not sparing their feelings in the meantime. It never makes me feel better to be brutally honest with people though. I see no alternative, or I just don’t consider the alternatives worthy of being options. I could be quiet but then it feels like everyone knows what’s really going on but choosing to pretend all is okay. It’s pointless. It’s insincere.
As far as lying or cheating goes, I don’t worry about the punishment side of it, like you said, no one would need to know for me to feel bad about it. I’d just “know” and that’s bad enough.
Even now, as I remember some of the recent incidents, my mind goes all over the place and I can’t be coherent or consistent. These things shake my core and I watch others go on with their lives like nothing’s happened. It’s incredible how priorities and mindsets of different people can be so far from each other when it doesn’t feel like those people aren’t so different at all.
I so agree with you. For some time i moulded myself into being a doormat for people always being nice etc. But i don't want to do that any longer. I would rather be alone if i can't find anyone i connect to.
I admire you for trying to communicate with people and being honest. I feel like these people are so different from me i can never make them understand.
It's normal for people to drift apart for no reason, apparently. And for people to act too familiar without feeling anything. Saying things they don't mean.
I will never understand why its like that, but it is true. I just accept it without questioning.
Basically i agree with you, i am also an introvert by choice. I also understand people's mindset but i don't agree with it, it doesn't make any sense for me and i don't want to be around such people