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Autism/Aspergers as a living creature...


Well-Known Member
If you could image your Autism / Aspergers as a living creature, what would you imagine it as?

This is just to get your imagination going and they're no right or wrong answers - we're all different.
The animal/creature you image your Autism/Aspergers to be can be as real, mythological or made up as you want it to be.

I'll go first, just to get us going.
If I could image my Aspergers as been like any animal, I would imagine it as been like a Dragon. My reason been that dragons are a mix of contrasts that can blend together in unique and unlikely ways.
They can be gentle or menacing, beautiful or scary, wise or naiive, etc. Their abilities, colours, personalities and be able to exist in so many different places - both in the physical planes and beyond.


While it technically isn't an animal, I'm going to make the claim that this house is a living "creature".

The house of leaves is basically a house that is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, where one can wander endlessly in its depths trying to explore the house. As well as this, the house constantly changes shape as a result of who enters the house and how they feel about the house (positive emotions evoke good actions from the house, vice versa).
Red fox. Quiet, observant, doesn't run with a pack so much as small groups and pairs or even solo. Spends time out in the open as needed or desired, but exhibits "denning" behavior, creating a comfortable living space that is safe, discreet, and comforting. Clever - primary defense is "outfoxing" predators.
I imagine my ASD as a pitbull. Unjustly hated, negatively stereotyped, often forced to live a difficult life. Also, pitbulls have a tenacity and persistence that reminds me of the unrelenting nature of my obsessiveness.

While it technically isn't an animal, I'm going to make the claim that this house is a living "creature".

The house of leaves is basically a house that is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, where one can wander endlessly in its depths trying to explore the house. As well as this, the house constantly changes shape as a result of who enters the house and how they feel about the house (positive emotions evoke good actions from the house, vice versa).

That kind of makes me think of the 'Psi-Moon' in Red Dwarf; An artificial planetoid that can tune into an individual's psyche and rapidly adapt its terrain to mimic his/her mental state - using their subconscious as a template.
As such, a person's aspects of their psyche (such as their self-respect, their generosity and their love but also their hate, their jealousy, their lust, etc.) would become living entities in one form or another.

You can see the episode here: Red Dwarf - Terrorform Video by Ray Sullivan on Myspace
A testudo hermanni hermanni tortoise.

They are often shy and quirky, timid too. My tortoise (who is a testudo hermanni hermanni) takes a long time to get used to new people and often hides inside his shell. He is the most unusual tortoise that I have ever met.

A very cute picture of a testudo hermanni hermanni:

A Trill symbiont!

One I wasn't prepared for and am having to come to terms living with. I hope we can find a way to get along. o_O
Aw, c'mon, isn't anybody going to mention a cat? My first nominee must then be a cat! But not a grumpy cat. That's Angie! Aspies are all the other cats.
Aw, c'mon, isn't anybody going to mention a cat? My first nominee must then be a cat! But not a grumpy cat. That's Angie! Aspies are all the other cats.

I can actually agree with that. After all, how many of us had read the book "All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome" by Kathy Hoopmann?
Today, I feel like my autism is a spider, poisoning my life, generally disliked, clever, efficient, serious, complicated.

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