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Autism/Aspergers as a living creature...

...Poisoning your life? That's quite heavy, mate. Is it that bad? :(

It is not working in my favor, those around me and closest are tired of it and it's impact on everyone's lives. My social disinterest is hated and...
It's worse than described, causing struggles in every aspect of my life lately.
It is not working in my favor, those around me and closest are tired of it and it's impact on everyone's lives. My social disinterest is hated and...
It's worse than described, causing struggles in every aspect of my life lately.

Pfff. That does sound bad. My mom once mentioned my social disinterest, and the fact that I never go out. I told her: "Mom, the fact that most people have fun going out doesn't mean we all do. What you and most people like is not superior to what I like. I refuse to do something I feel uncomfortable with, just so others can have the illusion that I am enjoying myself". My mom then agreed with me, and said sorry. But things don't always go that smooth..
A Trill symbiont!
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One I wasn't prepared for and am having to come to terms living with. I hope we can find a way to get along. o_O
Thank you. I could see Aspergers as nothing else but a platypus.

I imagine the ridicule such a creature would get. It is not a bird, not a reptile, but some sort of "strange" mammal. Get to know the creature and you might just like it. If you have any prejudices, however, about what a mammal should look like, you had better put them aside!
My aspergers animal is definetly a Great White. Theyre such lone creatures, with a rough reputation and appearance that scares most people away. I see myself like that sometimes, projecting a tough attitude to keep people away on purpose. When scientists do try to study them to get a better understanding, it consists of a whole lot of poking and proding, which I relate to, trying to understand my diagnosis and what I had to go through for years to get here.

Plus, sharks are my sort of default interest... that one thing I can easily rant about for hours, my mom always says, " is it shark fact time again?"


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