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Autism fakers

There was once this chick who pretended to have autism to be cool on tumblr. She then intentionally provoked her boyfriend into committing suicide.
They fake every other disability it's quite common actually and some voluntarily become disabled.I met two people on line who paralyzed themselves by injecting ethenol into the spinal cord.No real surprise some have a fetish for autism.
I’ve never met anyone who faked autism, but I’ve definitely heard about it. I’m not sure what the objective would be… seems like a waste of energy.
In RL no, but I think I may have online. In fact I thought there might have been one here recently. But I wasn't sure, and like so many they disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

In the case I mention above I suspected it wasn't a case of someone faking a disability but someone causing mischief, either out of active dislike of autistics (they are out there) or just trying to amuse themselves pulling off a hoax.
Would imagine IRL is a LOT harder to pull off. Good luck to the ones online though, I am not a stupid man.
I went to college with someone who told everyone he had autism along with pretty much every disability, and every mental health issue imaginable.
He wanted to play the victim by pretending to be every oppressed minority he could think of (not just with disabilities.)

The last time I saw him he said he had six months to live. That was four years ago and he’s still alive and lying to people.
He also scams people.

He was also one of the biggest bullies I’ve ever dealt with and I had to leave the school because of him.

I’m not the kind of person who hates people but I really despise this person and I don’t wish anything good on him.
Sounds like the n word... narcissist.
There are three common reasons people fake or desire disability
1.Identity, like a transgender sort of thing
2.Survivors guilt,like example, they were in or caused a car accident where someone was disabled and they were unharmed.
3.Good old fashioned sexual fetish
I went to college with someone who told everyone he had autism along with pretty much every disability, and every mental health issue imaginable.
He wanted to play the victim by pretending to be every oppressed minority he could think of (not just with disabilities.)

The last time I saw him he said he had six months to live. That was four years ago and he’s still alive and lying to people.
He also scams people.

He was also one of the biggest bullies I’ve ever dealt with and I had to leave the school because of him.

I’m not the kind of person who hates people but I really despise this person and I don’t wish anything good on him.

Might be someone with "Histrionic Personality Disorder". Something I pondered regarding one who used to visit this website some years back. While they concluded they weren't on the spectrum, I don't think they ever considered this possibility.

Histrionic Personality Disorder - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
I am self identified as on the spectrum. I have a lot of anxiety and feel like an imposter all the time. "Do people think I am faking?" Ugh! More than once I have thought I should quit the forum.

The thing of it is, the cost of analysis and diagnosis is way too expensive for me. Unless I get lucky and get an assessment for free, I will never have that little card.

Lots of folk will have their opnion about me. Some will even call me faker. I don't know what to say about that. It's too bad.
I am self identified as on the spectrum. I have a lot of anxiety and feel like an imposter all the time. "Do people think I am faking?" Ugh! More than once I have thought I should quit the forum.

The thing of it is, the cost of analysis and diagnosis is way too expensive for me. Unless I get lucky and get an assessment for free, I will never have that little card.

Lots of folk will have their opnion about me. Some will even call me faker. I don't know what to say about that. It's too bad.
There not talking about self diagnosed people who really feel they suffer from something,there are many self diagnosed in the autism community.
There talking about people who know they are not disabled put pretend to be knowingly.
There not talking about self diagnosed people who really feel they suffer from something,there are many self diagnosed in the autism community.
There talking about people who know they are not disabled put pretend to be knowingly.
I know you are talking about true fakers. My point is, how can you really know?
Munchausen's syndrome--named after a notoriously mendacious fictional character--describes these people well.

I blame Tumblr.

People seek a place to belong, and they are going to make a place if they can't find it. Hence the appropriation of autism to be the new description of quirky adolescent.

(Edit: it also works for people who have to make themselves up to be something so they have an excuse. Autism isn't well understood by most, so that's--where they end up getting it as a handy excuse for bad behavior. Malingering.)
It could be a form of Munchausen Syndrome or Factitious Disorder or whatever the heck they call it now. Autism is not a disease, but that wouldn't stop some people faking it to get sympathy and positive attention. Which is freaking hilarious since most of us on the spectrum have been treated like literal garbage and often still are.
Munchausen's syndrome--named after a notoriously mendacious fictional character--describes these people well.

I blame Tumblr.

People seek a place to belong, and they are going to make a place if they can't find it. Hence the appropriation of autism to be the new description of quirky adolescent.

(Edit: it also works for people who have to make themselves up to be something so they have an excuse. Autism isn't well understood by most, so that's--where they end up getting it as a handy excuse for bad behavior. Malingering.)
Teenage angst as autism I could sort of see the how some people could see a connection. None of my family ever exhibited this. Issues is school may have been the limit.
They fake every other disability it's quite common actually and some voluntarily become disabled.I met two people on line who paralyzed themselves by injecting ethenol into the spinal cord.No real surprise some have a fetish for autism.

Oh. My. God. :dizzy:
I am self identified as on the spectrum. I have a lot of anxiety and feel like an imposter all the time. "Do people think I am faking?" Ugh! More than once I have thought I should quit the forum.

The thing of it is, the cost of analysis and diagnosis is way too expensive for me. Unless I get lucky and get an assessment for free, I will never have that little card.

Lots of folk will have their opnion about me. Some will even call me faker. I don't know what to say about that. It's too bad.

I hope you NEVER quit the forum, @Suzette !! Your absence would be a great loss to this community. Self-identifying isn't even in the same universe as someone intentionally faking something. Self-identifying is a 100% legitimate action when done with honest self-discovery.
I know you are talking about true fakers. My point is, how can you really know?
I'm not shrink,it's possible you may not qualify as autism spectrum.But you would surely be DX'ed with something like maybe social communication disorder or social anxiety or general anxiety.You would not feel your autistic if you don't at least have something.Also it's known in the Autism world women fall through the crack in diagnosis.Relax your not a faker and you likely have something

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