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Autism is “ha! ha!” funny

I once walked into completely the wrong caravan on holiday,sat down still reading a paper when I heard a voice saying "I think your in the wrong caravan"i looked up and there was a family having their breakfast.i said "yes I have" got up and walked out
I once walked into completely the wrong caravan on holiday,sat down still reading a paper when I heard a voice saying "I think your in the wrong caravan"i looked up and there was a family having their breakfast.i said "yes I have" got up and walked out
This is similar to something I did as a child. I was on vacation with some family members. We lived in a house that were very similar to the other houses. I think there were a row of six houses. One day I went back alone from a field trip and got into, what I presumed was our house. I sat down on a chair next to a table with a crossword on it and started solving that crossword. I also remember at some point that I noticed there was a TV in one corner, and I thought that maybe I had not noticed that before. Then, as I sat there quite relaxed solving the crossword, I could see my big brother outside from the window. He was doing all kinds of gestures, before I finally realized I was in the wrong house. Another family member then later got back to the people in that house to tell them about this unexpected visit I had made. :)

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